Love is a great state of mind and body,for when a man loves, although unrequited, only the most positive emotions live in his heart. But there comes a time when it becomes boring to love meekly, I want to touch a man, hug him and kiss him. This is where a huge number of questions arise that ask girls. How to tell him that I love him, what to do to draw his attention to myself? And in general, is it normal to confess your love first?

For modern girls can be a problema situation when a guy needs to open his feelings. And this is normal, because our society has been living under patriarchal resistance for many centuries, when it is the man who occupies the leading place in the family and society. Labor and social trends have changed somewhat today, and many new paths have been opened up to women. But the sphere of personal life undergoes changes rather difficult, very slowly and reluctantly transforming. Therefore, today public opinion still says that primacy in relationships is the lot of men. And it is very difficult for girls to cross this invisible threshold, which is often fraught with condemnations from those around them.

If a girl is concerned with the question "how to tell him thatI love him ", you just have to dare and say everything to your beloved. There may be many situations for this, but the main thing is for the couple to be alone. It may be a slow dance at a disco, chatting at a break or a joint trip home. You must start a conversation on close to the love theme and go smoothly to the main phrase. It is worth being prepared for the fact that the guy can react differently to this, because such a phrase from a friend, classmate or unfamiliar girl can be just a shock. Do not insist on the answer when time goes by, the guy says it all.
How can I tell him that I love him?An easier, but no less effective way can be a message to a loved one. To do this, you can simply send a guy sms-ku, write a letter or a brief note. The main thing is to make sure that the written message falls exactly to the addressee. So you can reveal all your feelings and not be afraid, as in live communication, that at the most important moment a voice will tremble or sweat hands. An excellent option to confess in love to a guy can be Valentine's Day, when everyone sends valentines-confessions to each other.

How can I say that I love him?Another way for girls is to simply call on their mobile and discover their feelings. This is somewhat harder than a written message, but much easier than live communication, since by phone you can hide a share of excitement. In addition, there is no need to look man in the eye, and this greatly facilitates communication. By calling the guy, you can start a conversation on remote topics and go smoothly to the main point, or you can simply say directly: “I want to tell you“ I love ”. And wait for the reaction from the interlocutor.
What to expect from the guy who gotunexpected confession? At first, everyone will have one reaction - shock, then events may develop differently. There are three main situations. First, when a guy does not like a girl, and he does not intend to start any relationship with her. The second - the guy likes the girl, but he's not sure he wants to start dating right away. Here a temporary friendship would be an excellent way out, so that young people could look at each other. The third, the most awaited option by the girls - the guy has the same feelings, just did not dare to say about it. But you should not immediately press on a young man and ask again a hundred times: "But have I not misheard it?" Similar things can irritate a loved one and the phrase will immediately follow: "If you say“ I love, ”it means I love, why do you bother?”