/ / Does self-esteem affect human behavior? Aspects of self-esteem affecting people's behavior

Does self-esteem affect human behavior? Aspects of self-evaluation that affect people's behavior

Каждый человек в определенный период своей жизни begins to evaluate himself. Self-esteem may change depending on life circumstances, either in a positive way or in a negative one. Speaking about self-esteem, everyone understands what is meant, but it is not always possible to explain this with words. She has quite a few sides and shades: self-image, attitude to herself, feelings and so on. Psychologists have always wondered whether self-esteem affects human behavior, so they thoroughly understood this issue.

Does self-esteem affect human behavior?

Why do you need to believe in yourself?

The ratio of people to a person to a large extentdepends on how he himself perceives himself. If he is confident in his abilities and has respect for himself, others will treat him the same way. When a person does not love himself, it is foolish and unwise to wait for love from strangers.

As life shows, a man with a lowself-esteem tries to communicate with the same people. This gives him the illusion of self-assertion, but in fact the internal uncertainty and dissatisfaction only increases.

Psychologists believe that a person with a stable and positive self-esteem can achieve a lot in life and achieve harmony.

self-esteem affects all actions of a person

What is dangerous about low self-esteem?

Answer to the question:“Does self-esteem affect human behavior?” Is definitely positive. Meanwhile, how a person treats himself, and the quality of his life is a direct connection. People who treat themselves without due respect and consider themselves to be nonentities are confident that their life is also not worthy of doing it better. Sometimes the situation changes if a person begins to make an effort and change the usual way. The psyche is arranged in such a way that, the more a person does, the more he appreciates it.

the impact of self-esteem on human behavior in society

What gives inner self-confidence?

A person who is confident in himself has hisposition and is able to defend it. He relies only on himself, although he is not afraid to entrust a certain matter to others. A confident person is not afraid of change and always tries to improve his life. Unlike dissatisfied people, he takes responsibility for all his words and deeds.

People with positive self-esteem tend toquite clearly understand what they want. Goals and plans are clearly outlined, and the person is confidently moving towards their implementation. Self-doubtful people rarely can specifically describe what they would like to change, and their goals are often incredibly overestimated. They fail to achieve them, and self-esteem falls even lower.

Naturally, high self-esteem will not save fromlife difficulties and hardships, but to overcome them will be much easier. A self-confident person finds new methods to solve them and perceives complexity as a routine. People with low self-esteem prefer to hide from the sorrows. For them, any experience of failure is very painful and permanently knocks them out of the rut. Therefore, they pretend that they are doing well and avoid making a decision.

aspects of self-esteem affecting people's behavior

Harmony and Mental Health

Studying how self-esteem affects health,it is necessary to understand that in order for a person to achieve psychological comfort, he must trust himself. To form this feeling will not work if self-esteem is very low and there is no self-esteem. Then the person will behave inconsistently and break the promises that he made to himself.

People with low self-esteem often fall intoextremes: they either completely ignore their own experiences and are influenced by those around them, or are given to their emotions wholly, not paying attention to the signals of the mind.

How does self-esteem affect relationships with people?

Влияние самооценки на поведение человека в society should not be underestimated. Attitude is also reflected in relationships with others. A person who values ​​himself and respects does not associate his actions and actions with the opinions of other people. He calmly perceives the differences that arise and is not afraid of disapproval. In conflict situations, he does not lose respect for himself or for those whose opinion is different from his own.

low self-esteem and its impact on human life

Does self-esteem affect human behavior?Psychologists insist that independence and inner freedom provide an opportunity to independently navigate their behavior, make decisions and take responsibility for them. Such a person does not try to create a fictional image just to earn approval.

Self-doubt makes people searchapproval from others. It seems to them that in this way they will be in demand, and they will be appreciated. But to develop self-respect at the expense of others is impossible. This is achieved by internal work that is not related to the actions and opinions of others.

factors affecting the development of self-esteem

Conviction Protection

Reflecting on whether self-esteem affectshuman behavior, it is worth noting that people with low self-esteem are very sensitive to any criticism and disapproval. They try in every way to protect themselves from condemnation. Experts identify four main methods of removal.

  • Charge. If this method is used, the person is constantly looking for the guilty and naturally finds it. He finds fault with trifles and is always displeased with everyone.
  • Kowtow In this case, an insecure person is ready to do literally everything for others just to be happy with them. He never argues and is always waiting for instructions.
  • Payment. By choosing this path, people completely block their emotions and never show what they feel. They speak in a monotonous voice, and the words are often abstract.
  • DismissalA person never reacts to what others are doing. He talks on neutral topics and does not answer questions. With all his appearance a man demonstrates that he does not hear anything, and in general he is not here.

All of these types may have different variations, but the goal is the same: to protect yourself from attack and criticism.

What will help to increase self-esteem?

Self-esteem affects all actionsman, but it can be raised through internal work. Self-esteem should not depend on the opinions of others. The more a person takes care of himself and his life, the higher his self-esteem. Care can have different directions.

You need to be kind to your own emotions,You can not completely ignore them. Then the internal discomfort increases, and it will be very difficult to achieve harmony. It is useful to ask yourself questions about what feelings are being tested at the moment, what is the reaction to what is happening, and what is your own reaction rating. They will help to understand and understand what causes the inner sense of pride, and that, on the contrary, insecurity and self-judgment.

Factors affecting the development of self-esteem,consist in their own attitude to other people. When a person accepts others as they are and behaves honestly and sincerely towards them, he begins to respect himself more and be proud of himself.

What lowers self-esteem?

how self-esteem affects health

Psychologists identify major errors that reduce self-esteem and do not allow a person to appreciate themselves.

  • Жалость к себе.A person who constantly remembers his failures, feels unhappy and feels helpless, because he can no longer change anything. People who are unable to manage their own lives on their own often pity themselves. They surrender to the mercy of others and from the side watching how they themselves "float" with the flow. A person who is used to self-pity allows you to criticize yourself, offend and hurt.
  • Charges and complaints.It is difficult for an insecure person to take responsibility. It is much more convenient for him to blame someone else for his own failures. Diminishing others, he rises in his own eyes and rehabilitates. Often a person blames others for his weaknesses and gives them those qualities that he does not like in himself.
  • Habit to consider yourself a hopeless person.Aspects of self-esteem that affect the behavior of people are in the analysis of their own flaws. The negative attitude towards oneself is also manifested externally: constrained movements, lowered head, extinct eyes. A person with high self-esteem is physically relaxed and calm.

Manifestation of uncertainty

Identify people with low self-esteem will help the two main criteria for their behavior.

  • Реакция на критику.Self-doubtful people even perceive constructive criticism very painfully, and all comments are taken on their own account. Low self-esteem does not allow a person to adequately assess the situation, recognize and correct their own mistakes.
  • The use of masks.People who wear different masks, consider themselves the worst and try to play someone else's role. Pondering the question: “Low self-esteem and its influence on a person’s life” - they try to hide their true feelings and demonstrate self-confidence. This can be expressed by boasting, loud laughter or familiarity.