"A person is characterized not only by what she does, but also by the way she does it." Friedrich Engels.
"A person is characterized not only by the fact that shedoes, but also by the way it does it "- this phrase, later included in the list of the best quotations and aphorisms, was expressed by the German philosopher, one of the founders of Marxism, in combination with friend and like-minded K. Marx, Friedrich Engels. But why did he think so? Is it really necessary not only to perform some kind of actions, but also seriously think about how we do it or what "methods" we use to achieve this goal? To answer all these questions, you need to think first about what is the distinguishing feature of "personality", in other words, what is the definition of this concept. From a social science point of view, a person is a relatively stable system of the individual's behavior, built primarily on the basis of inclusion in the social context. In other words, it is a person who has special qualities formed in the process of his communication with other people (the ability to make decisions, decisiveness, organizational abilities, the ability to formulate his point of view and be able to defend it).
But are all people personalities?Apparently not. Every person is different, yes. But not everyone who lived even a long enough life, could still become a full-fledged person. In our time, unfortunately, very often you can hear how someone in conversation uses a similar expression in relation to his interlocutor, and maybe even more than one, "... you are not a person!" And the like. At the same time, there is a downside. What is usually said about that person whose distinctive features are independence in deeds, the ability to control one's own behavior, a clear manifestation of willpower, that is, a reflection of what in itself is part of the definition of "personality" that we cited earlier? They speak of him as a "formed personality". Yes, because he actually proved it.
Now, perhaps, it's time to return toa statement taken as a topic for this essay. We determined that it is extremely important to take action, as this is the determining factor in building our personality with you. But is it really so important "how do we do it"? Very important. I completely agree with the philosopher. After all, a person is therefore also a person who consciously commits certain actions. For clarity, you can use an example of even the most intelligent animal in terms of people. No matter how clever it may be, whatever abilities it reveals, it will never be called a person. Why? Because everything that it does is dictated by instincts. This is not consciously made decisions. Even from this position, the correctness of his words is already evident. In addition, the phrase "autonomy" was included above. What decisions are an indicator of individuality? Those that a person takes on their own. Yes. He may be guided by some sources from outside, but the actions he performs are still the "product" of his own mental activity.
This is just one of the parties from which you canto approach this statement of F. Engels. As they say, how many people, so many opinions. And in this diversity, too, the individuality of each of us manifests itself, which, in turn, is a kind of help in the formation of our personality.