/ / Trust Fortune! Features of the tourist program Fortuna 5 * (Antalya)

Trust Fortune! Features of the tourist program Fortuna 5 * (Antalya)

At one time, Turkey has become in some waypioneer for Russian tourists. It was in this direction that they set off on a journey, and people began to joke that every inhabitant of our country should go or had already been to Turkey. Sunny Antalya is a special place. Clean air, a long strip of sandy beaches, picturesque landscapes are breathtaking as soon as a tourist enters the area. Antalya is rich in luxury hotels, which, however, can afford the average Russian. One of these is Fortuna Antalya 5 *. Reviews about him and other interesting facts consider next.

fortuna 5 antalya

Holiday with a twist

Прежде всего, стоит сказать, что “Фортуна” – A whole range of hotels located in different areas of not only Turkey. The peculiarity of this program is that the tourist makes an order, where he indicates the star class, preferences in the type of food, the length of stay, and until the arrival itself does not know which of the hotels he will be accommodated. One thing is for sure: all hotels, including Fortuna 5 * (Antalya), have a high level of service. You will never regret participating in such an unusual and relatively new program, since for the paid money you will not be offered apartments lower class. On the other hand, it is intriguing ignorance that will become your main companion. You will not have the information and you will not be able to find out about the hotel in advance; a surprise awaits you on the spot.

Best examples

On the whole coast of Turkey there are severalhotels where you can potentially be accommodated. The main thing is that all of them are included in the Fortuna 5 * Antalya system. One of the favorite vacation spots for visitors from all over the world is Hotel Joy. Its service meets all standards, the service of tourists is on the highest level. Every day your room will shine clean and tidy, and you will sleep in fresh bedding. The attitude of the staff is always respectful - they will answer any interesting question or tell you which sights to start with. The hotel constantly has a guide, ready to provide any assistance.

fortuna antalya 5 reviews

Convenience and comfort

Agree, the guests want the hotel to belocated by the sea. Fortuna 5 Star hotel chain is no exception. Fortuna (Antalya) is always the maximum comfort for every tourist! If you go to a hotel located in Marmaris, which is considered to be the most beautiful and graceful area, you will be just a few meters from the hotel to the sandy beach. In addition, within walking distance is the city center, which is nice to walk on the way to the sea. The airport is located in relative proximity, which will not get tired on the way to the hotel.

Interior of Fortuna 5 * (Antalya) inMarmaris will charm you with its beauty. The area of ​​the hotel includes a leafy garden, where evening walks are so pleasant. Some of the rooms will offer a view of the water surface sparkling in the sun, others will present you the picturesque landscapes of the surrounding suburbs. Each room has air conditioning and TV. But believe me, given the theatrical performances and the shows, arranged after dinner, you will not be bored.

Reviews of tourists

When choosing a trip remain importantcomments and ratings of those who have already visited a particular hotel before you, using the “Fortune” system. Do not forget that the tourist is the first one who has to build his vacation so that there will not be a shame for the wasted time. Tour operators only help to make a choice, but here their decency and responsibility are especially relevant.

fortuna antalya 5 turkey

Using the program Fortuna 5 * Antalyaleave mostly positive reviews. The main advantage, of course, is the material benefit from this system. It will not make a huge savings, but it will be a pleasant addition to the rest - you can buy souvenirs and gifts for such trifles. You can visit the Turkish baths or limit swimming in the pool. Given the class of hotels (they all have 4 or 5 stars) with service and food, as well as service and attitude towards tourists, you can be sure that the atmosphere throughout the rest will remain at its best.

В отелях предусмотрен ряд дополнительных programs that will impress you. You will be offered to take walks on a yacht (in some cases - with a transparent bottom, allowing you to see the depths of the sea), fly by parachute, ride on a banana and “cheesecake”. Fans of more intellectual programs will be able to choose sightseeing tours, where they will have the opportunity to personally see the beauty of the whole area.

Alternative places to stay

We bring to your attention the most common hotels in Turkey, which can accommodate you on the program "Fortune":

fortuna 5 star fortuna antalya

  • Harrington Park Hotel - located in a picturesque place in 80 km from the center of Antalya.
  • Hotel SU - stands on the Mediterranean coast, its garden has a large number of deciduous plantations.
  • Green Palace - includes several buildings, the main building and bungalows. The area is rich in sports fields and greenery.
  • IC Hotel Residence - suitable for family and youth recreation, has a rich internal infrastructure (restaurants, pools, bars, shops).

Profitable, exciting, interesting: the system “Fortuna” (Antalya 5 *)

Turkey will be your favorite country if youYou will begin to get acquainted with it using this program. With all the unpredictability that remains the main feature of "Fortune", you will get a double good impression from the acquaintance with the hotel, which will occur at the time of your settlement. Enjoy your holiday!