The fact that there are medicinalsources are known even to children. To drink from them life-giving water or take a medical bath, many people travel thousands of kilometers. But residents of Tyumen nowhere to go anywhere, because right in the center of their city beats from the ground a unique hot spring "Wave". A convenient and useful infrastructure is created around it to help make the treatment procedures as comfortable as possible. Why is it so useful that people from all over the Tyumen region rush to it? Are there any rules and regulations for his visit? Let's walk to this wonderful place and see everything with our own eyes.

"Wave" - hot spring (Tyumen): address of the object
Tyumen - systematically developing Siberiana city famous not only for its impressive achievements in the field of industry, but also for its unique balneological springs, which are about a dozen here. One of them is called "Wave". He beats from the ground in the same recreation center, the address of which is the following: micro district Cape, Ermak street, building No. 2.
В 70 метрах от базы проходит улица Нахимова, на which opened a new hotel "Nakhimov". Here you can rent a room for those who came to be treated for a hot spring "Wave" from distant regions. In another direction from the recreation center and from the source is Potemkin Street, one of the central streets in Tyumen. The territory of the base borders on Gagarin's park. In the shade of its avenues it is especially pleasant to walk after taking balneological procedures. In the park there is a recreation center "Vodnik", and next to the church of the Nativity of the Virgin.
How to get there
Any Tyumen resident can easilycome to the hot spring "Volna", because along the Potemkin street, near which it is located, there are many city transport routes. If you take buses N 124, 9, 157, 20, 144, 23 or 143, and also on the minibuses No. 31, 61, 76, 66 or 45, you need to leave at the bus stop "Forty-eighth school" or "Pharmacy". If you go by minibus number 68, you need to get out at the stop "Cape Town".
It is more convenient for residents of nearby regionsto get on motor transport. On the territory of the base there is free parking, where you can park your car. In addition, from many cities to the source tours of varying duration are carried out.

The whole of Siberia was glorified by the balneologicalthermal springs Tyumen. "Wave" (photo of this unique object shows one of the pools) differs from the others in that a well-designed infrastructure is created around it. Once there was a sanatorium, but it closed. Now the source is guarded and guarded by the employees of the recreation center "Volna". They built a cascade of swimming pools with several hydromassage installations (geyser, shallow water, water cannons, jacuzzi). Places are enough for everyone, because the pool area is 370 m2. The water temperature in them is always 40 ° C - 43 ° C,drops of depth from 1 meter and up to 2.5 meters, which allows you to comfortably relax both kids and adults. For children near the pool area a children's playground is built, next to it there is a shop with some goods for rest. Guests can have a bite at the cafe and barbecue.
Composition of water
The hot spring "Volna" in Tyumen possessesTherapeutic properties due to the chemical composition of its water. Scientists conducted her laboratory analysis and found that most of all it contains chloride ions (4964 mg / dm3), sodium (3023 mg / dm3), hydrocarbonates (220 mg / dm3) and calcium (208 mg / dm3). Comparatively much in the medicinal water of magnesium (62 mg / dm3), potassium (30 mg / dm3) and bromide ions (29.75 mg / dm3), а кроме того, в ней присутствуют фторид-ионы, iodide ions, iron, lithium and ammonium. The water in the pools, filled directly from the source, is transparent, blue or, as the visitors say, the sea color, the taste is very salty, but without the smell. Its pH is 8.04 units.

Healing properties
Many ailments help to cure a hot spring"The Wave" (Tyumen). Reviews of people who are here often, note that they were able to get rid of pains in the joints and bones, remove the muscle contracture, significantly improve the functioning of the motor system, get rid of catarrhal diseases, and strengthen immunity. Medical research confirms that water with such a chemical composition, which is found in the hot source "Wave", is useful for those suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, pulmonary system, as well as cardiovascular, cutaneous and nervous systems.
Absolutely healthy people also benefit from visiting the spring, because it helps to relax, gives rest to the soul and body, and sates with energy.

Unfortunately, it is not possible for everyone to take water treatments in the Volna hot spring. Doctors do not recommend visiting it to people with such diseases:
- epilepsy;
- condition after childbirth or abortion;
- diabetes;
- venereal diseases;
- thromboembolism;
- mycosis of the skin;
- nephritis and cholelithiasis;
- heart disease;
- hypertension and / or ischemia of the heart of II and III degrees.

Rules and prices
To make it not only useful, but also convenientfor staying the hot spring “Volna”, rules have been introduced at the recreation center, similar to those existing in water parks. At the entrance, electronic bracelets are worn on visitors to the wrist, which fix the time and the amount of money allocated by guests for their holidays. Next, visitors enter the modern dressing rooms, where there are spacious showers and lockers for clothes locked on an electronic lock. If the vacationer needs to eat, in a cafe he pays money with a bracelet. At the exit, an employee of the Volna base looks at how much is spent. If it is less than what was allocated, the return is returned to the client, and if it is more, the client pays the difference. Prices for entry to the recreation center are in the table:
categories of citizens | prices on weekdays (rub.) | weekend prices (rub.) |
adults | 500 | 600 |
children under 2 years | - | - |
children under 12 | 250 | 350 |
pensioners | 450 | 550 |
The price includes rest in the pool, use of the dressing room and shower.
"Wave" hot spring (Tyumen): reviews
Opinions of visitors about this amazing place only positive. In their reviews, people celebrate its merits:
- spacious and equipped with modern hydraulics pools;
- healing water;
- convenient cash settlement system;
- good infrastructure;
- the friendliness of the staff.