/ / The most interesting sights of Kemerovo

The most interesting sights of Kemerovo

One of the attractive cities of Russia isKemerovo. It is located in the foothills of the Kuznetsk Alatau on the coast of the river Tom. This is a fairly young city, formed on the site of the village Shcheglova in 1918, which has a three hundred year old biography. Despite its youth, the sights of Kemerovo make a decent list. It has a wide selection of places to visit. The Tom River flows through the entire settlement, dividing it into two parts. The central part of the city is on the left bank. Here is a wide promenade with an excellent view of the Krasnogorodskie hills. In the modern city operates an international airport.

sights of Kemerovo
Kemerovo sights are first of all.most beautiful architectural structures, including the Znamensky Cathedral. The building was completed in 1996. It immediately gained popularity among visitors and residents of the city. The Holy Trinity Church, dated 2008, is considered no less impressive. It rises in the park area at the intersection of two avenues - Chemists and Leningradsky. In the immediate vicinity is another religious building - the Church of the Trinity, the construction of which was completed in 2008. The temple is a brick one-story building in which there is a belfry.

Kemerovo sights
Continuing sightseeingKemerovo, mention should be made of the Chapel of the icon of the Mother of God "All the Grieving is Joy." It is a single-domed church, built in the traditional Russian style in 1990. It is located on the Cathedral Square and serves as a baptismal. The next architectural structure, which is recommended to see, is the church of Dmitry Donskoy. It rises on the street Patriots and is a small wooden building with an octal dome and a bell tower. And on the Mariinsky highway there is a church-chapel of St. Nicholas. It is a brick tent building of the type octagon on the quadrangle.

But, architectural structures are notthe only interesting places that Kemerovo is famous for. The sights of the city include in its list a lot of original monuments and monuments. A monument to a stray dog ​​has been erected on the Pritomskaya embankment of the city. The composition is a metal structure, in the upper part of which there is a cover-hatch. It is on this cover that the lying dog figure is located. There are monuments erected in honor of prominent people, for example, a monument to Vladimir Martemyanov erected on Pritomskaya Embankment. A monument to Mikhail Volkov was erected on Volkov Square.

sights of Kemerovo photo
Достопримечательности Кемерова можно дополнить list of numerous museums, each of which deserves attention. The most popular is the Museum of Local Lore, which is a kind of repository of natural monuments and the history of Kuzbass. No less interesting is the Museum of Fine Arts, whose collection includes more than 5,000 works of icon painting, graphics, painting, sculpture.

Among other attractive places of the city you cannote Drama Theater. On the left bank of the Iskitimka River there is a beautiful Victory Park. Here you can see a lot of monuments, an exhibition of military equipment and guns. In 2006, a monument-locomotive was installed (locomotive of the 50s). No less popular is the City Garden, which is a cozy park with various attractions.

Sights of Kemerovo, photos of whichpresented here, can not fully convey their beauty and grandeur. To get a more realistic picture of these places, you need to see them with your own eyes.