/ / How to get to Abkhazia in different ways

How to get to Abkhazia in different ways

Абхазия - это достаточно узкая полоска земли between the sea in the south and the mountain slopes of the Caucasus Mountains in the north. This is an amazing place with a mild and comfortable climate for people from the middle lane. The mountains are covered here with dense relict coniferous forests, closely approaching the sea itself. At the whim of geographical circumstances, the subtropics closest to Russia are located precisely on this small strip of the Black Sea coast. The question of how to get to Abkhazia is interesting to a large number of tourists from many Russian regions. Their flow in this direction is steadily increasing every year. This small country lives mainly due to the reception of tourists, and therefore all visitors are welcome here. The general price level is one of the lowest among all the resorts on the Black Sea coast. The main tourist infrastructure has been preserved here since the Soviet times. In recent years, much has been done to restore and develop it.

how to get to abkhazia

How to get to Abkhazia from different cities of Russia

Чтобы попасть в Абхазию, сначала предстоит get to the city of Sochi. By air you will find yourself at the international airport of the famous resort, and by rail is best to go to the station Adler, geographically part of the Greater Sochi. From Adler, eight kilometers to the Psou River, which is the natural border of Abkhazia, are to be crossed. The checkpoint at the border operates around the clock. When planning a vacation on this shore and clarifying the question of how to get to Abkhazia, it should be borne in mind that entry into this sovereign country is visa-free for citizens of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to have only a passport with you, no matter whether it is domestic or international. And a small amount of money for medical insurance. Passing border and customs formalities usually takes about an hour, depending on the concentration of people at the checkpoint. On both sides of the border, taxi drivers are at your service, ready to deliver the passenger to almost anywhere in a small country. The question of how to get to Abkhazia includes the end point on its territory that you are trying to reach. It is best to decide on this geographical name in advance and call it a taxi driver.

Abkhazia how to get from Moscow

Abkhazia: how to get by train to its capital

This can be done on the train, which is eachmorning is heading from Adler in the direction of Sukhumi. In the afternoon, an additional train to Gagra station is most often sent. The schedule here sometimes varies depending on the number of passengers.

Abkhazia how to get by train

Abkhazia: how to get from Moscow without transfers

In this question there are a number of interestingfeatures. You can get to Sukhumi directly from Moscow from the Kursk railway station by train No. 75/76. Only here according to the schedule he does not go there. The ticket should be taken to the station Veseloe in the last cars. And already on the way from the conductor should buy an additional ticket to Sukhumi. Surcharge ranges from 300 to 600 rubles, depending on the type of car. Parking and customs clearance at the border takes about an hour.