Do you know where the island of Bali is?For many Russians this is no longer a secret. A tiny island of volcanic origin has long become a popular tourist destination along with Thailand, Fiji, Dominica and Haiti. In the Indonesian archipelago there are more than eighteen thousand islands. However, it was Bali who won the palm of the fans of exotic summer holidays. Yes, it is summer, in this and "chip" of the island. When in all the edges of the subequatorial belt from June to October there are monsoon rains and even typhoons rage, thanks to the sea currents above this edge the sun is shining.

Peak of the season falls on June-August, because,despite the location near the equator, the exhausting heat does not happen here. The air temperature even at night does not fall below +22 C, and in the daytime it is at + 26-30 C. But in the winter months where there is Bali, the temperature is very comfortable - +25 C. Sometimes it rains at night to In the morning a fresh breeze brought to you the smell of washed jungles. Agree: plus 25 is not a minus 25, but because those wishing to get out of the crackling Russian frosts on the white platinum beaches have more than enough.

Another reason why a discerning touristwill look for a place on the world map where Bali is located - it is an impeccable European service and developed infrastructure. Here are provided excellent conditions for all categories of holidaymakers - from those who want to simply warm the stones under the equatorial sun to adventurous adventurers. And besides the culture of the local population is very interesting and original, that's why there is something to be surprised between diving and sunbathing, jeep safari and night discos.
The island is conditionally divided into sectors that provide services to a certain category of tourists, so you need to know before you go to Bali, where is located the resort you choose.So, Nusa Dua is considered the most luxurious. Here rest world celebrities, prominent politicians and Hollywood actors. But Kutu - a six-kilometer line of snow-white beaches - was chosen by noisy youth. Prices here are democratic, but often the wind blows. Therefore, Kutu is avoided by a family with small children, but they consider Mecca to be the world's surfers. Sanur is just a paradise for honeymooners. Here you will not find hustle and bustle. This is an excellent opportunity to devote oneself to each other.

Hotel service on the island you just do notdisappointed. The choice of hotels is very wide: from spa hotels and boutique hotels for VIPs to modest three-star hostels and campsites with cabins. The vast majority of them are located either on the front page, or very near the beach. But do not be afraid to go deeper into the center of the island. Where Bali is located, 400 volcanoes also smoke. It will be an inexcusable omission not to go up to the vents of at least one of them, Kintamani. And on the way you can swim in hot springs.