/ Planetarium (Krasnoyarsk): address, reviews. Newton Park, Krasnoyarsk

Planetarium (Krasnoyarsk): address, reviews. Newton Park, Krasnoyarsk

What secrets of the universe have already been solvedmankind, and what else is yet to be solved? About landscapes of distant worlds and violent explosions on the Sun, about black holes and the birth of stars, about the history of space exploration and the discovery of astrophysics - not only to learn about all this, but also to experience truly "cosmic" emotions in Krasnoyarsk.

planetarium krasnoyarsk


February 8, 2017, on the Day of Russian Science, withThe grant support of RUSAL (the amount of the grant is up to 1 million rubles). The Newton Park planetarium was opened in Krasnoyarsk. The grand opening took place in the interactive science museum. On February 9, the planetarium, which is a vacuum-frame structure with a dome with a diameter of up to 7 m and a height of 4.5 m, began work for all residents of the city.

В открывшемся планетарии (Красноярск, адрес: пл.Mira, 1, Krasnoyarsk Museum Center) image on the dome is transmitted using a special system of projectors. The presence of high sound quality achieves the effect of being present when watching full-domed movies.

Planetarium "Newton Park" in Krasnoyarsk

He presents viewers with a history of learning.space, information about the structure of the solar system. And here they tell you which stars can be seen in the sky over the city. In addition, the Newton Park Planetarium in Krasnoyarsk also offers interesting guided tours of the Cosmodrome exhibition. Here you can see a unique collection of meteorite fragments. The program is open to viewers of different ages.

Reviews call it interesting for both childrenand for adults. Many parents note that a visit to the planetarium is a very exciting and useful event for children as it develops their horizons. Interesting tours and films are so popular with young viewers that it is difficult to get them out of the room. Adults also discover many new things here. Visiting the planetarium for some families of Krasnoyarsk has become a good tradition.

a planetarium opened in krasnoyarsk

What is the largest planetarium of Krasnoyarsk?

Planetarium of Krasnoyarsk "Newton Park" isa hemisphere, which takes over the broadcast of cognitive full-domed films about space, which is produced using a special system of projectors. When watching science films, the full effect of presence is achieved. Spectators during the sessions can be placed in comfortable chairs that allow you to watch movies in the half-prone position.

planetarium Krasnoyarsk address

Content of the educational program

Although the subject of astronomy was excluded fromschool programs, but interest in him does not fade away in either children or adults. Newton Park, together with the head of the famous astronomy circle at the Palace of Pioneers S. V. Karpov, developed their own author's educational program. The projection system for the planetarium is also designed and assembled by the staff of the Museum of Science. It consists of a server and 3 wide-angle projectors that provide a high level of image quality.

In addition to conducting interactive astronomy lessons, planetarium hosts demonstrations of full-domed spherical scientific and educational films on the themes of space. The planetarium accommodates about 30 people.

The authors of the reviews note that when watching scientific films, a real feeling of the presence of the viewer in space is created. The planetarium accommodates about 30 people.


In the "Newton Park" (the largest planetarium of Krasnoyarsk) a demonstration is provided:

  • On weekdays: full-domed films “In the depths of the Universe” (beginning at 17:00), “Dark Matter” (beginning at 19:00).
  • On weekends: “To the depths of the Universe” (beginning at 11:30, 13:00, 15:00), “Dark Matter” (beginning at 16:30, 18:00).
  • The day off at the planetarium is Monday.

Space Science Films

"Into the depths of the universe" - a film intendedfor children (from 8 years) and family audience. One of the most ancient intellectual aspirations of mankind is the desire to unravel the secrets of the cosmic depths. The film tells about these studies - from the attempts of ancient scholars to the achievements of modern science. In addition, the picture tells of the uncharted worlds of the solar system and the mysteries of the depths of the universe, beyond the Milky Way.

In the film "Dark Matter" - nature is revealedthis mysterious substance, the study of which is the most urgent task of astrophysics. According to the authors, its solution brings a person closer to understanding the processes occurring in the Universe for billions of years. The film is a visualization of the evolution of a mysterious substance, made possible by the use of one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world.

planetarium in krasnoyarsk ticket price

Newton Park (planetarium in Krasnoyarsk): ticket price

Those interested can attend a session in the planetarium, andalso a tour of the exhibition. Ticket price - 300 rubles. There are special prices for pensioners, people with disabilities, as well as large families. For pensioners (a certificate is required) the ticket costs 250 rubles. For disabled people under 14 years old - admission is free. Children under 14 years old are admitted to the planetarium only accompanied by adults. A comprehensive ticket for the evening program "In the Dark" costs 400 rubles. Those who want to buy tickets must make an appointment by phone, which can be found on the website. Buy tickets should be for 15 minutes. before the start of the session, otherwise they can be removed from the reservation.

Special offers

For large families "Newton Park" (interactive science museum) offers special prices:

  • The cost of going to the planetarium for large families is 800 rubles. per family (requires a birth certificate).
  • The cost of a comprehensive program including a guided tour, an experiment show and a master class is 1,200 rubles for the whole family.
  • The program, consisting of excursions and master classes, costs 600 rubles. for family.
  • The cost of the experiment show for the whole family - 600 rubles.

About the planetarium in the Aerospace Student Palace of Culture

Another Krasnoyarsk planetarium is located inMuseum of SibSAU (Siberian State Aerospace University named after academician MF Reshetnev), dedicated to the achievements of Russian and Soviet rocket and space science. The museum is located at: st. 26 Baku commissioners, 9A. The first hall presents exhibits related to rocket and space technology, the second is a manned space program.

sibgau museum

About the repertoire of spherical films

In the planetarium of the museum SibGAU viewers are representeda series of popular science films, unique in their content. One of the key features of spherical cinema is the projection onto the dome, creating the effect of complete immersion. The repertoire of spherical films consists of 4 plots intended for different age categories of viewers:

  • "Ten steps through the sky." The film is an introductory program, which tells about the basics of science, its origin, history and main stages. Designed for students grades 6-11. Lasts 24 min.
  • "Two pieces of glass."Full-domed show presents viewers with the history of the origin and development of the telescope, talks about scientists who have made revolutionary scientific discoveries with this tool, transfers them to the world's largest observatories. The film is intended for students of grades 4-11. Lasts 25 min.
  • "In Search of the Solar System." The show, designed for students of grades 10-11 and older, not indifferent to the problems of space science. Lasts 25 min.
  • "Astronomy for children." A fascinating bright journey through the solar system will help students in grades 1-4 to get acquainted with a challenging and exciting science - astronomy. The film lasts 35 minutes.

Newton Park Krasnoyarsk

В музее СибГАУ любители астрономии имеют an opportunity to get acquainted with the true 55-year history of space exploration. The authors of the reviews strongly recommend Krasnoyarsk people to visit this fascinating space trip.