For the Russian people Smolensk, Tver, Orel, Bryansk and other ancient names of Russian cities mean a lot. These pleasant names for hearing are capable of marking the milestones of the history of Russia.
A city with more than a thousand-year history

It turns out, Bryansk is one of the oldest cities in Russia. It seems that the exact historical date of its foundation is not established, but its millennium was celebrated in 1985.
Central Russian Upland - the central part of European Russia
Clarified answer to the question:"Where is Bryansk?" Will be such - the city is located on the western edge of the Central Russian Upland, part of the East European Plain. Here there is a watershed between the three seas - Azov, Caspian and Black. Bryansk is also located on the watershed of the two largest rivers of Europe - the Dnieper and the Volga. From the Middle Russian Upland, the rivers Don, Desna, Oka and the smaller rivers flow down - Vorskla, Psel, Seim.
And more precisely on the question: "Where is Bryansk?"Can be answered as follows. Where the tributaries Snezhit and Bolva fall into the beautiful Desna on both its shores and spread Bryansk, which in numerous poems dedicated to him is called the birch birthplace, birch edge. The rivers and forests surround this primordially Russian city, which in 2010 was awarded the title of "City of Russian Glory."

Where Bryansk is located, intersectall kinds of trade routes. This explains the desire of many belligerents throughout the centuries to include it in the composition of different states. For example, there was no treaty between the great Rus and the Rzeczpospolita, where Bryansk was not mentioned as a separate item. Exposed to the repeated complete destruction of the enemies of our homeland, the city of Russian glory revived and became even more beautiful.
Formation of the regional center
At the end of the XIX century Bryansk became a largeindustrial center of Russia. Despite this, the city was part of other provinces and regions. Only after his release from the fascist invaders - in 1944 - was formed Bryansk region.
Three independent states converge at a point,located near the one where Bryansk is located. The map shows that, like Smolensk, it is now, in effect, a border town. Throughout the history of Russia these cities have always taken upon themselves the blows of the enemy, always gave names to the victorious roads over which the invaders fled away. Smolensk road, as well as Bryansk street leading to the west, from the song of L. O. Utesov, everyone knows. Many know about the partisan movement in the Bryansk forests. By 1943 in the partisan detachments of Bryansk there were about 40,000 people. Thanks to this movement, the Soviet government was already rebuilt in 1942 in a certain territory surrounding the city.

After the end of the war, Bryansk became intensivelydevelop. For two years (1956-1958) in the city, such large industrial enterprises as an auto plant and an enterprise for the production of irrigation machines, the Desna factory and the worsted factory were opened. There are enterprises of woodworking and pulp industry, as the city is surrounded by forests, which are famous not only for partisan movement, but also for their beauty, diversity of flora and fauna.
Reserved area
Only where the city of Bryansk is located, insurrounding its forests, and today there are all 10 species of European woodpeckers. And this is the only place on the mainland. Naturally, now the Bryansk forests are mostly reserves, one of which is called: the Physico-geographical region of Nerusso-Desnyanskoye Polesie. And its component part is "Bryansk Forest", which was taken under the protection of UNESCO in 2001. These forests are mainly pine-oak, but next to the prevailing spruce there are also broad-leaved trees. The very rich and diverse flora of the Bryansk Forest reserve explains the formation of a federal reserve on its territory with a total area of 39,100 hectares called Kletnyansky.

Desna - pride and beloved of the inhabitants of Bryansk
Desna - the river on the banks of which is locatedBryansk - originates in the Smolensk Upland. This is the longest tributary of the Dnieper. In Russia, it flows through the territory of two regions - Smolensk and Bryansk. On the land of the last, except for forests, there are forest-steppes, swamps, lakes, one of which was glorified by I. Turgenev in "Notes of the Hunter". The entire Bryansk region is a hills and plains. In some verses about Bryansk it is said that the city is asleep, "having covered the blankets with hills". Figurative expression. The presence of hills and plains is explained by the place where Bryansk is located. It is called the Russian plate - this is the central part of the Eastern European platform. Millions of years formed the current landscape. And he himself is a landmark of this region.