/ / Holidays in Bali: reviews and photos of tourists

Holiday in Bali: reviews and photos of tourists

Only this geographic point of the planet is heardenthusiastic, full of joyful emotions reviews. Bali is a fabulously beautiful island with unique flora and fauna. There are also rich cultural traditions. Therefore, we can say with confidence that these are real and truthful reviews of tourists. Rest in Bali is a great opportunity to restore strength, get a charge of positive and joy.

the best view of Bali

Where to stay in Bali

The choice is not great:this is either the rice plantations of Ubud, or the coastal areas of the island. Far from the ocean infrastructure is, to put it mildly, not developed: interruptions with the Internet, transport communication is practically absent. But Ubud attracts tourists with low prices for rental housing and lack of resort bustle: life there is quiet and measured.

The coast attracts surfers from all over the world.Also at the water's edge, people who are simply in love with the ocean prefer to live. But for the beauty and convenience you have to pay: the prices for services and accommodation in these areas are much higher than in the "continental" part of Bali. Reviews of tourists on the network indicate that thefts are rampant in crowded coastal areas. Also there is very noisy and dirty.

In the south and south-west of Bali, life just beats the key, and around the clock. A lot of noise, fuss, people. This is not all like.

On the south-east coast is much calmer.In addition, the waves are not that big. It is this part of the island that is widely represented on the Internet by a large number of photos and reviews. Bali is most attractive for these places.

Hotel in Bali

Rental of property

Find and rent a house, room, apartment will not belabor. The easiest way is to rent a motor scooter or a bicycle and go on it to the desired area. It is enough just to ask the passers-by about housing. They immediately tell you who gives. You can search through ads on social networks (especially on Facebook).

Many proposals for the delivery of rooms in villas or in the bush.

Kost is a kind of guesthouse.Electricity, as a rule, is paid by the guest separately. You need to be prepared for the poor and unstable work of the Internet. But however, if you believe the reviews, in Bali anywhere in the world, communication with the world is not reliable.

Villas belong to elite housing. They are under round-the-clock security. Yet cases of theft are not uncommon.

Popular in Bali transport

Moving around Bali on a moped

Bali in some things is similar to other Asianregions. These territories unite the love of their inhabitants to mopeds. Unfortunately, the movement of bikers is chaotic. On the observance of the rules of the road there is no question - the locals do not know what it is.

In the summer season of 2017, the rent of a moped cost 800thousand rupees (4000 rubles for our money) per month. Rent a car would cost one and a half thousand rubles a day. By the way, to take a car for rent, you need to show the rights of category B.

You can rent a vehicle without anybureaucratic procrastination: no contracts, just handed keys. By the way, local guards of the order very willingly take bribes. Tourists who rested in Bali, speak about local servants of the law is not very good: they like, they say, to profit on visitors.

Taxi service

In Bali, you can order a taxi through a specialmobile app. But there are a lot of "bombed", which work unofficially. Contacts with representatives of this "caste" often end in a scandal: enterprising illegal taxi drivers tend to get the maximum benefit and deceive tourists.

Services of official taxi services are differentprice loyalty. Last summer, a transfer from the airport to Seminyak cost only $ 7 (about 400 rubles in equivalent). Illegal carriers have prices two or three times higher.

In addition, there is an opportunity to call a taxi-motorcycle. In our region, you can not find such a curiosity.

Beach on the island of Bali in Indonesia

Trade in Bali

A lot of small shops.Buyers in such establishments are exhausted from the heat, as in them, of course, there are no air-conditioners. But prices are the most attractive. In the market there are also network sellers: IndoMarket, Carrefour, Mini Mart, Pepito and others.

Tourists should be vigilant when visiting "Mini Marta": sellers in these stores do not shun buyers.

And in the range of "Pepito" there are products of European origin. But this, of course, is not a cheap pleasure.

The main thing that distinguishes the shops in Bali from Russian - the presence of almost every free toilet. Free!

Internet on the island of Bali. Reviews

Local providers are simply horrible.First, the Internet works at a snail's pace. Secondly, there are always failures. Often the owners of the apartments are cunning and claim that they are providing high-speed and uninterrupted access to the network. As a rule, in the overwhelming majority of cases, this is an ordinary trick designed for tourists. It seems that there is basically no stable and fast Internet on the island.

You can buy sim cards of local mobileoperators providing access to the Internet. In this case, for 15 gigabytes of traffic will have to pay about six hundred rubles (the price level of the past, 2017). But this is not a panacea either: the mobile Internet also works out badly. It would seem, a trifle. But this circumstance, of course, darkens the rest in Bali. Reviews on the network indicate that this is not an exaggeration.

Relax in a hammock in Bali

When is it better to go to Bali

The high season falls on the months from May toOctober, that is, from late spring to mid-autumn. Going to the island in April, you should consider that you will have to become a "happy" witness to the local New Year - Nyepi. No institution works on this day in Bali. Even the airport, and it's worth it. People are forbidden to go out. The owners of the apartments in advance warn their guests that they are stocked with provisions. Bali believes that if on this particular day someone walks out into the street, evil spirits will take notice of this person and will riot throughout the whole year. This is such a strange holiday!

It is not surprising that for the time of "celebrating" this peculiar New Year, many travelers leave to see the neighboring island of Lombok.

In February, Bali, according to tourists, is floodedheavy rains. Although with a great desire you can enjoy a beach holiday even in winter. Rains, as a rule, go in the morning and in the evening, with good weather during the day. And the temperature allows you to sunbathe on the beach. Many go to Bali in March. Reviews of tourists about rest in the early spring are also very joyful and positive. After March, happy holidayers with low prices for housing and food. In this case, rains are very rare.

Traditional Balinese cuisine

Cost of food and kitchen

The cuisine of the Indonesian islands is very diverse.The cost of food fluctuates and depends on the level of the institution and the geographical location. Last year, a snack in the cafe could be for 450-600 rubles. For this money will bring 2 any dishes and 2 drinks (fruit shake or juice).

Many recommend trying the so-calledbacso. This is the name of a local soup with meatballs and tofu. One serving costs only a dollar. Soup is prepared right before the eyes of visitors. But here about observance of sanitary-and-hygienic norms local cooks, alas, did not hear: before the beginning of cooking the cook does not wash hands, unwashed hands puts food in a plate.

Having visited Bali, you should definitely trygado-gado (very sharp first dish based on coconut milk), fried noodles with eggs (with the addition of chicken or fish), nasi goreng (fried rice with the addition of eggs and fish or chicken).

Local drinks

On the territory of Indonesia is not everywhere possibleeasily buy alcohol: this is a Muslim country. Often in the menu of many catering establishments there are no alcoholic beverages at all. If you're lucky enough to find a beer, then it will be sold at a very inflated price.

But at every step are sold very delicious all kinds of fruit cervices (smoothies). Drinks are prepared in front of buyers. It's tasty and very useful.

Bali is a paradise for connoisseurs of good coffee.Here you can enjoy the rich taste of different varieties: lyuvak, Javanese, Balinese. There are many shops selling local coffee at affordable prices.

Local fruit

Prices for local fruits (avocado and passion fruit) are verylow. What can not be said about the prices of apples and pears that are common to all. But almost nobody takes them. Is it worth it or go to Bali to eat pears with apples? The answer is obvious - no!

Fruits are sold by locals. They are also sold in stores. But the prices in the stores are naturally much higher. In addition, local residents are happy to bargain and give their products to the test.

The volcano on the island of Bali

Excursion programs

Unfortunately, there are no Russian touristsprograms. You can join the English-speaking group. But after all, not all speak a foreign language on a level sufficient for understanding the level of the guide. But still, if you set a goal, you can find people on the social networks who are ready to provide guide services in Russian.

It is better to travel and explore the islandalone, in the company of friends, renting a car. The Internet has a fairly detailed and interesting description of all the key attractions of Bali. Reviews of such impromptu excursions are the most enthusiastic.

Of course, you need to look at the volcano of Bali, as well as touring the picturesque beaches of the island.