The Indian state of Goa beckons travelers withthe whole world with breathtaking landscapes, warm ocean, bright tropical vegetation and unique local color. As in many other places for recreation, there are months, more and less favorable for recreation. Whether there is a sense to go to Goa in February - a winter month when the body already needs rest, and till next summer it is still far? Let's go into more detail.

When is the Goa holiday season?
The climatic conditions here are such that the whole yearconditionally divided into two large periods - the rainy season and the dry season. Rains and high humidity start from October and last through March. This is not the best time to relax in Goa. In the daytime, the temperature often exceeds +40 degrees. Such heat, combined with high humidity, is difficult to tolerate, being in this period is quite uncomfortable. Bathing too will not bring pleasure, as the ocean is very disturbed during the rainy season, it is endangered by huge waves and undercurrents.
By November, the rains subsided, and the resortseason, which lasts until the end of April. It was at this time in Goa rush to many tourists. Especially a lot of holidaymakers here in the New Year and Christmas holidays - the prices for rest at this time reach their peak, and the resorts are overcrowded with holidaymakers. But tours in Goa in February, tourists are cheaper by 15-20% than similar offers in the period December-January, because after the New Year holiday influx of vacationers is less. Cheaper will not only the tour itself, but also rest on the spot: prices in February for souvenirs, clothing, transportation, rental housing in Goa is lower than in other periods.

February is a time favorable for diving,Visiting excursions to nature reserves and to historical sights and, of course, beach holidays. This month there is an optimal combination of daytime and nighttime air temperature, as well as water temperature.
Weather in Goa in February
In the last winter month there are observednoticeable differences between day and night temperatures. And this is good, because after the heat of the day comes the long-awaited evening and night coolness. The average temperature in the daytime here is about + 31 ° C and rarely exceeds + 35 ° C. At night, the temperature is about 10 degrees lower, so evening and night walks, visiting the night markets will be comfortable. Summer heat is perceived quite easily, thanks to a refreshing light breeze from the ocean. The sky in Goa in February is clear, there are no clouds, there are no rains either. There are no dull days.
For leisure will need easy summer things.And unless the only sweater and jeans should be taken in case of a cool evening, although, most likely, they will not be needed. February weather in Goa is surprisingly stable and almost never brings restless surprises.

Water temperature in February
Любители пляжного отдыха могут смело выбирать Гоа for a rest in the last winter month. There are practically no big waves at this time, you can swim for a long time and with comfort. The same applies to children, for whom bathing will be completely safe. The water is very pleasant and warm. Its average temperature is + 27-28 ° C. For those who like to stay out of the water for hours, bathing in Goa in February will bring maximum pleasure.
Amount of precipitation and humidity
Statistics show that of all the monthsFebruary is the driest. That is, the probability that the rain will catch you on holiday is negligible. Relative humidity in this month is about 69-70%, which by local standards is not enough. For the entire season this is the lowest humidity. Meteorologists believe that in all weather conditions vacation in Goa in February is ideal, that this time is better suited for recreation than any other.

It's interesting to know that at the end of February in Goatraditionally there is an annual carnival - a bright and memorable sight. It includes theatrical performances, colorful and noisy street processions, incendiary dances. Those who are there at this time, it is worth to visit this event. In all respects, vacation in Goa in February promises to be extremely successful. If you diversify pastime on the beach by walking along local sights, excursions and shopping, you can have a great vacation here.