/ / Where in September to rest abroad? Where better to rest abroad in September

Where in September to rest abroad? Where to have a better vacation abroad in September

The summer has passed, and with it the hot days, the bright sun. Empty city beaches. My soul became sad. Autumn has come…

But do not be sad.If desired, the summer can be extended for the whole year. If you got a vacation in September, consider yourself lucky! After all, there is no better time to relax by the sea. You do not know where to rest abroad in September? Today we will tell you about it.

where in September to rest abroad

Choose a route

On Earth, there are many wonderful places where you canrest from the city noise, enjoy the beautiful nature and temporarily forget about the windy and slushy autumn or the fierce winter. In some countries that are waiting for their guests in the fall, we will visit today. So...


Magnificent nature, many uniqueattractions, luxury beaches - this is all Indonesia. Russian tourists are familiar with the island of Bali. There is a well-developed infrastructure, guests will be happy to get acquainted with the many attractions of the island. Relax in late September in Bali - it means to combine a beach holiday with a guided tour.

where to go abroad to rest

In Indonesia, the average annual temperature is +30 degrees during the day. In September, the dry season is still going on here, so nothing will interfere with your rest.

United Arab Emirates

If you do not know where to rest in September forborder so that heavy rains and muddy beaches do not overshadow a vacation, we will recommend the UAE to you. If the purpose of your trip is a beach holiday, then it does not make sense to stay in the capital - Dubai. Pay attention to the emirate of Sharjah. There are much lower prices, and hotels are located in close proximity to the sea. Do not worry if in the evenings you plan to visit cafes, discos or shops. From Sharjah Hotels in Dubai you will be delivered free buses. Back, however, will have to return by taxi. A good option for a beach holiday will be the emirate of Fujairah, located in the east of the country, on the coast of the Gulf of Oman.

rest in late September

September in the Emirates is still a very hot month. During the day, the air temperature reaches 38-40 degrees Celsius, and the water corresponding to - +30 aboutC. But the heat is not felt that way, since all the rooms in the hotels are equipped with powerful air conditioning.


Наши соотечественники уже давно и, видимо, resorts of Turkey have chosen for a long time. There are quite reasonable prices, the Mediterranean Sea is calm and safe, the service is excellent. In addition, the flight takes a little time. The territory of this country is washed immediately by the four seas - the Mediterranean, Aegean, Marmara and Black. Most of the famous resorts are located on the Mediterranean, in the region of Antalya. In the autumn the beach season is still ongoing. By the end of September, it ends only in the resorts of the Aegean Sea.

go rest in September

In September, Turkey is still hot in summer. Daytime temperatures fluctuate within +25 ... + 30 degrees, water is also not inferior to air masses and warms up to +26.


Where else to go relax in September?A great option is Spain! Here you can easily choose the resort of which you dreamed, designed for every taste and financial wealth. Millions of tourists choose to rest in this wonderful country for excellent service, beautifully equipped, well-groomed beaches, beautiful nature. But at the end of October, the beach season in many resorts in Spain ends.

rest in September with the child

But in September, he is still in full swing. In the first half of the month is hot (+30 aboutC) On the beaches of the Costa Blanca and Costa Dorada, the water warms up to 23 degrees and above.


In September, many are trying to get to the Cote d'Azur in order to get a beautiful bronze-golden tan under the rays of the sun that does not burn.

where to rest at the end of September

In gorgeous Nice, the average air temperature in September is +26 degrees.


Where to go abroad to rest?This question often worries those whose vacation fell on the first month of autumn. If you want to relax on the beach, then we advise you to visit Cyprus. This island is more suitable for this kind of pastime. When in Turkey, Spain is already cold and damp, in Cyprus you can plenty swim and sunbathe. In addition, its resorts are famous for their beautiful and well-groomed beaches.

where in September to rest abroad

If you want to combine a beach holiday withfun, then you should go to Ayia Napa or Limassol. In these cities, many nightclubs, discos, cafes and restaurants. Rest in September with a child is better in the resorts of Larnaca and Paphos. There are many comfortable hotels in which everything is thought out to the smallest detail.

In September, the weather in Cyprus is dry. The air warms up to +30 degrees, and the water - to +26.


In September, tours to Egypt become veryrelevant. The weather in the Mediterranean resorts begins to deteriorate, and in Egypt it remains comfortable. Popular and visited resorts of the country are Safaga, Hurghada, Sharm el-Sheikh, Dahab.

rest in late September

When the question arises:“Where to rest abroad in September?”, Many experienced tourists confidently answer: “Of course, in Egypt!” Many of them are not attracted to these places by pyramids and famous temples and necropolises, no! They are attracted by the Red Sea. Connoisseurs of diving love to relax here. The underwater world off the coast of Egypt is fascinating. Fans of this water sport should go to Dahab, El Quseir, Sharm el-Sheikh.

In September, Egypt is still very hot. The air warms up to +32 degrees and above, and the water - to +29 degrees.


Many tourists often ask tour operators a question:“Where to rest at the end of September?” It’s not easy to answer. Why? Firstly, there are many such proposals, and secondly, it is necessary to take into account many nuances: what kind of rest does a person prefer, with whom does he go on a trip, what are his financial possibilities, etc.

go rest in September

We suggest you consider, in our opinion,An interesting trip to China. The beginning of autumn is a good time to see its wonders. In the northern regions of the country at this time it is still quite warm, and in the south you can still swim.

In the second half of September you can get toGrand National Day Zhongtsyutsze (Mid-Autumn Festival). It is celebrated all over China. In this country, many amazing national parks, and, of course, all tourists dream to see the Great Wall of China.

Holidays in Cuba

A bright country that never leaves the summer - Cuba. Rest in September on this land will give a lot of unforgettable impressions and a bronze tan.

rest in September with the child

On Freedom Island, the climate is tropical - hot andwet. The average temperature is +31 degrees. September is the rainy season, but don't be upset. It rains frequently in Cuba, but they are short-lived. After two or three minutes, the precipitation stops, and after another two minutes all the moisture evaporates.

In September, the island hosts many different festivals. Most of them are held in Havana. These are bright, noisy, funny costumed performances that remain in memory for a lifetime.

Holidays in Bulgaria

A better time to rest in Bulgaria thanSeptember is not found. During this period, the velvet season is in full swing. Since the beginning of autumn, most tourists are leaving, and there is an opportunity to relax in peace and tranquility on the Black Sea coast.

 where to rest at the end of September

In September, Bulgaria is still very warm. Only in the middle of the month the evening and night coolness begins to be felt.

In our article we tried to answer yourquestion: "Where in September to rest abroad?" Naturally, we could not tell you about all the wonderful resorts that await guests in early autumn. But we hope that you make the right choice and have a great rest.