Из Санкт-Петербурга попасть в Чебоксары можно four types of transport: fast, but expensive on the plane; cheaper, but with great comfort on the train; even cheaper, but with the burdens of a long and dreary road by bus; by car, own or as a fellow traveler. The choice of transport is an individual thing, depending on financial possibilities, goals, speed considerations. Let's consider each variant separately.
Twice a week from the airport Pulkovo are committedflights St. Petersburg - Cheboksary. The distance between the cities is 1,100 kilometers, the aircraft overcomes in three hours, so it is the fastest way to get to the capital of Chuvashia. If there is no direct flight on the right day, you can fly through Moscow with a transfer to Vnukovo. The total time on the road increases to 5-9 hours, depending on the time interval between the aircraft.
Train from St. Petersburg to Cheboksary
There is no direct train from St. Petersburg to Chuvashia,There is a trailer car that is part of the train "St. Petersburg - Kazan". Hence, there are problems with the purchase of tickets, it is better to attend to this in advance, otherwise there is a high probability that there will be no seats for the required date. The road from St. Petersburg to Cheboksary in the trailer car takes 23 hours. The train departs in the afternoon and conveniently arrives at the terminal station at two o'clock in the afternoon, just at the time of check-in at the hotels.
There is an option faster, but a little more troublesome:go with a transfer in Moscow. If you leave at Sapsan at three o'clock in the afternoon, then you can easily catch two evening trains "Moscow - Cheboksary", one of them leaves at 9 pm every day, the other at midnight, and arrives at the capital of Chuvashia, respectively, at nine morning and half the second day. Total relocation of St. Petersburg - Cheboksary will take 18 or about 22.5 hours.
In addition, such a trip can be combined witha good walk in Moscow. From St. Petersburg there are a dozen trains that arrive in Moscow in the morning. It is enough for a traveler to spend an hour to move from Leningradskiy railway station to Kazan, to hand over things, then to wander the whole day around the capital, and in the evening to go to Cheboksary.
Автобусный переезд Санкт-Петербург – Чебоксары can attract unless cheap or in case of force majeure. Buses start from the bus station on the Obvodny Canal and pass almost 1,400 kilometers to Cheboksary in 24-25 hours. Even the comfort of modern buses does not mitigate the severity of such a long and exhausting path. Such a trip is suitable for bus-seasoned travelers, for most people, especially for the elderly and children, it will become a painful test.
St. Petersburg. Where to go from?
Pulkovo Airport is located at:Pulkovskoe shosse, d. 41. You can get to it from anywhere in the city by taxi. Regular buses run constantly between the nearest metro station "Moskovskaya" and the airport. Shuttle buses bring passengers to the city center to Sennaya Square. In Pulkovo, you can get there by car and, if necessary, leave it in a guarded parking lot for the duration of the trip.

The Moscow railway station is located in the city center byaddress: Nevsky Prospekt, 85, walking distance to the metro station "Ploshad Vosstaniya" and the station "Mayakovskaya", in addition, near the station stop a few trolleybus and bus routes.

Bus station from where buses go"St. Petersburg - Cheboksary", located at: Obvodnoy Canal, 36. Half a kilometer is the metro station "Obvodnoy Canal", you can reach the bus station by bus, taxi or metro.

Cheboksary. Where to come?
Cheboksary Airport is located 8 kilometers fromcity center at: Skvortsova Square, 1. From the airport you can easily reach the central areas of Cheboksary by trolleybus, bus, shuttle bus or traditional taxi.

Station and bus station Cheboksary are located quitenearby, at a distance of hundreds of meters between each other and three kilometers from the city center, reachable by bus, trolleybus, shuttle bus, taxi. Address of the station: Privokzalnaya street, 1. Address of the bus station: Mira Avenue, 78.

From St. Petersburg by car to Cheboksary
Usually the car drives this route faster.bus, because the car is above the average speed, and the bus has more intermediate stops and loss of time associated with a large number of passengers. With an average speed of about 90 km / h, the car will reach Cheboksary in about 15-16 hours, which is much faster than the options with a bus and trailer.
Moreover, 670 kilometers, and this is almost halfdistance to Cheboksary, takes a modern high-speed, multi-lane highway M10, which makes a quick and comfortable road from Moscow to St. Petersburg by car. Reviews of drivers about it are mostly positive, although traffic jams and accidents occur on the autobahn. In addition, you need to remember that during the entire route video surveillance is conducted, so recklessness and too high speed are guaranteed to turn into fines. On the road there are paid sites.
Доехать до Чебоксар можно не только на own car, but also using such services of searching for fellow travelers via the Internet, like BlaBlaKar, Prokati, BibKar and others. There are many offers, you can pick up transport according to the level of comfort (minibus or passenger car), the most suitable place and time of departure, more flexible plan a route, for example, to Chuvashia by car, and back by train or plane. And most importantly - do not drive the car yourself, because not every driver is psychologically and technically ready to drive such a distance behind the wheel. The cost of the road will be 2000-2500 rubles per person.