/ / Palma de Mallorca: reviews of tourists, information about the resort

Palma de Mallorca: reviews of tourists, information about the resort

The capital spread out in the Mediterranean watersThe Balearic Islands are one of the most beloved and most visited Spanish cities. His name is Palma de Mallorca. Traveler reviews characterize the city as a place with delightful architectural buildings, beautiful landscapes and excellent conditions for a beach holiday.

palma de mallorca reviews
The resort is located on the largest island of Balear- Mallorca. Rocky cliffs, pine forests, green mountains, palm groves - this is what makes up the most beautiful landscapes of the city of Palma de Mallorca. Reviews not only ordinary tourists, but also influential persons testify to the attractiveness of the resort - regular members of the royal family, eminent athletes, high-ranking officials, representatives of show business come here. Some of them even buy property on the Mediterranean coast in order to be able to enjoy the amazing atmosphere of the city as often as possible. The well-being and luxury of Palma de Mallorca. Reviews of those who have been here speak eloquently about this.

palma de mallorca hotels
How to get there

Eight kilometers from the resort isairport accepting both domestic and international flights. There are water connections with other islands of the archipelago and major cities of Spain (Valencia, Barcelona, ​​Alicante): ferries run regularly from the city’s port. The city is best to move by car or bus. There is also a subway Palma de Mallorca. Travelers' reviews offer just walking around the lively avenues and streets to get closer to the local beauties. Those interested can rent a bike.

Palma de Mallorca: weather

In many ways, the climatic conditions in the Balearesare unique. The undeniable advantage of the resort is the cleanest sea air. Even in winter, the water temperature never drops below almost seventeen degrees, so many tourists have the opportunity to swim year-round. In the summer, this figure is an average of twenty-five degrees. And the air temperature in the hot months and does exceed +30. Due to the small amount of precipitation, it is possible to spend time comfortably in the capital of the Balearic Islands both in July and in January.

Palma de Mallorca weather
Sights of the resort of Palma de Mallorca

Hotels in the city are very diverse.You can stay in a hotel surrounded by picturesque cliffs, which have an equipped access to the beach, or prefer apartments in the depths of the capital's labyrinths, at some distance from the coast. The most striking architectural monuments of the city are represented by the cathedral, the palace on the Central Square, Bellver Castle, which now houses the historical museum and the city stock exchange. Besides them, walking along the streets of Palma de Mallorca, you can see many more interesting museums, buildings, houses. The capital Balear is truly a paradise in the Mediterranean. For many people, this is a dream city, inaccessible and distant, and for locals it is a habitat that has both advantages and disadvantages.