What is the weather like in Hainan in September? Reviews about the trips are good or not? Now we'll figure it out. In this article, we will find answers to these and other exciting questions.
We should note that September is the quietest month on theHainan. At this time of year there are few tourists. Although many of our compatriots go on holiday in September, it is difficult to predict the weather in Hainan during this period. They do it because the prices for autumn tours are quite low. How justified is the risk? Let's talk about this later.
In the responses of tourists who have already visited thisplace, write that before you go to Hainan (China), you need to be confident in your health by 100%. As not always good weather conditions fall out. Local climate can only add health problems to a person. Good weather and holidays in Hainan in September are often incompatible concepts. It will be good to rest here for those who are well tolerated by the damp heat of the heat. It is best not to take children to rest: for a weak body it will be a very large load.

So what is the weather like in Hainan in September?In the reviews people write that more than half the month they are raining. But it is not always the case. It is extremely difficult to predict the weather in Hainan in September. In the reviews, tourists note that there is no year for a year. Sometimes it rains only at night, and during the day you can easily walk, swim and sunbathe. It is also gratifying that the rains are often warm, so it does not cause any discomfort to anyone.
Sometimes there is a completely opposite picture,When heavy rains go from morning till night. In this case, rest does not bring anything good. The average air temperature is +30 (daytime). The water in the sea is warm +28 degrees. Despite the variability of weather conditions, in this Chinese province is very beautiful.
What to do in Hainan in September?
In the responses to the weather people write that it is not alwaysas good as we would like. As they say, September is not the best period for rest in the Chinese province. Reason: restless sea, storm, showers, cloudy sky.

Despite all of the above, the island at the beginningautumn is not empty. People come here who prefer quiet leisure on the beach. Some come to the island for treatment. There are those who are attracted only by Chinese cuisine.
Relax on the beach
Not always it is possible to swim in full because ofhigh waves and muddy water. The most peaceful place is in the Yalong Bay. This area is considered elite. The sea there is really very clean, but the prices are also rather big. Will you get a holiday in Hainan in September? Weather and feedback are criteria that are important to consider when traveling.
On Hainan it is good to have a rest for those who likes extreme.Here the conditions for such entertainment are the most suitable. The winds are stable, the waves are high, all of these factors will appeal to surfers. Most fans of this type of water sports are located on Dadonghai Bay.
Entertainment and excursions
The island has many attractions.However, tourists do not always get to visit all the settlements of Hainan. If you want to add exotics to beach holidays, visit the thermal springs. They are famous for the Chinese island.
There are also many extinct volcanoes here. To their craters now laid many tourist routes. Also in Hainan there are hot mineral waters that have medicinal properties.

Less demand for excursions to the source of Guantan. Here the water reaches +90 degrees in the summer. In such a source of real boiling water.
On the island there are centers of traditional Chinesemedicine. They offer their clients various methods that are based on old recipes. The popular center is the Garden of Longevity. It is located in the Dadunhai area.
The specialists of these centers are being treated not only with some specific diseases, but also with the goal of raising immunity, to return the wasted forces.

Also tourists can go on excursions.There are many similar programs, but when choosing them, it is worth paying attention to the weather. A popular place for visiting tourists is the center of Buddhism "Nanshan". What is this center? This is a very large historical and ethnographic park with different elements of Feng Shui, Buddhist shrines, as well as statues. It is advisable to come here in the evening. Then you will get to feel all the energy of this unusual place.
There are factories on Hainan Island where they growpearls, and also tea. Excursion tours are also developed here, but their main disadvantage is the high price. Gourmets will appreciate the rest in the province. After all, there is an incredibly delicious cuisine. Prepare dishes here from various seafood: crabs, shrimps, oysters, lobsters, ocean fish.
September prices
We figured out what the weather in Hainan is likeSeptember. In the reviews, tourists write about prices. About the financial side should not be particularly worried. Prices in September here are as low as possible. Approximately forty percent cheaper fall recreation, in contrast to the summer.
Autumn holidays: reviews of tourists
Reviews about the autumn holiday people leave different. After all, some were more fortunate with the weather, others less. In any case, as tourists say, the trip will be remembered for a long time.

There is not always good weather in Hainan inSeptember. In the reviews, tourists write that they have come across rain. Therefore, each person should decide on his own, whether he wants to take risks or not. But, despite all the climatic shortcomings, on the island you can have a good rest, have fun and improve your health.
Теперь читатели знают, какая погода на Хайнане.As you can see, it is not always suitable for a beach holiday. But on the island there are lots of interesting places that are worth visiting. Before you go here on vacation, check out the weather forecast for the holiday period.