/ / Magnificent peninsula of Chalkidiki: reviews and facts

Magnificent peninsula of Halkidiki: reviews and facts

A wonderful beauty of the peninsula of Halkidiki,reviews of which literally sparkle with admiration, fell in love with many tourists. Sandy beaches, the smell of pine needles and resin, dense greenery and a bright blue sea enchant with its splendor. Unrivaled beauty and indescribable landscapes have been attracting people from all over the world for a year now. Greece. Halkidiki, perhaps, is one of the most famous and popular places in this country.

A bit of history

halkidiki reviews

It is located on the coast of the Aegean Sea, andmany note the similarity between the trident Poseidon and the peninsula of Halkidiki. Reviews of some tourists are exactly saturated with the spirit of the ancient Hellas after a trip to Greece. According to legend, two titans - Athos and Seaton - could not share the mermaid. And then the enraged Poseidon resolved their dispute by throwing a spear at the peninsula, thereby giving it an unusual outline. Originally, the name Halkidiki was used to refer to its capital. Even during the reign of Philip III - the father of the great Alexander the Great - the Athenians subdued 30 cities of this peninsula. This area was strongly attracted by its deposits of metals and the wealth of wood necessary for the construction of ships. During the Balkan wars this peninsula played a significant role in the liberation from the Turkish yoke.

Popular locations in Halkidiki

Greece Halkidiki

Reviews about this place will not let you lie:the peninsula of Chalkidiki is one of the most popular and largest places in Greece. Beautiful and comfortable hotel complexes, amazing beaches and mirror-clear water of the Aegean Sea attract tourists from all over the world. The map of Chalkidiki is rather small, but it is very diverse. The most popular resort is Kassandra. This cape is rightly considered a paradise corner due to its magnificent bays and picturesque beaches. Not surprisingly, because of such landscapes, most hotels are located right here. In addition to the wealth of images and riot of colors, Cassandra also has a unique history. Perfectly combining antique places with a modern urban entourage, the resort becomes so attractive for tourists.

map of chalkidiki
In addition to this small town, many look closelySithonia - the middle peninsula of Halkidiki. The reviews of most tourists are full of delight and amazement from the green virgin forests and white sandy beaches. Numerous harbors, bays and olive groves will not leave anyone indifferent. Well, speaking of the peninsula of Halkidiki, one can not help but mention Saint Athos. For the Orthodox around the world, this mountain is considered one of the main places on Earth. Since ancient times, this area was considered holy. Here, many temples and sanctuaries were built. Athos is an independent monastic state, in which it is forbidden to come to women. It is believed that they can introduce monks into temptation.

In general, Greece is a wonderful place to relax.It is suitable for both romantic and family travel. And the famous peninsula of Chalkidiki should visit every once in a lifetime to fully penetrate the spirit of Greek antiquity.