The book "Wild dog dingo, or the Story of the firstlove, "according to many readers, is a work written specifically for young girls. It should be read at a time when you want to have fun on the break; when I have to argue with my mother about the length of the skirt, so as not to catch cold; when all thoughts and dreams are connected with the first love. This book is exciting and exciting and at the same time very sweet, home-like "cozy." This is the story of the first love - a bright feeling that arose against the backdrop of evil intrigues, weaved by classmates, and also a family drama.
Staging the plot
Summary of Fraerman's Wild Dingo DogIt will not convey the whole atmosphere, which captures the reader from the very first pages of the work. The main character of the book, a schoolgirl named Tanya Sabaneyeva, will seem at first similar to all the girls of her age. Her life is the same as that of other Soviet pioneers. And the only thing that distinguishes her from the rest is the desire to have a dingo dog. Tanya is the daughter of a single mother, her father left the family when the girl was only eight months old. Reading the summary of "Wild dog dingo" Fraerman, it is difficult to understand the dramatic nature of the situation that has developed in the life of the main characters. The mother tells the daughter of a fairy tale that her father lives now in the city called Maroseika, but the girl does not find it on the map. The mother does not say anything negative about her father, in spite of the tragedy that overcame her.
Unexpected news
When Tanya comes back from the children's camp, shediscovers a letter that was addressed to her mother. In it, the father writes that he plans to return to the city, but now with his new family - his wife and stepchild. Despite the contradictory feelings that fill her, Tanya nevertheless comes to meet her father on the dock. In the port, she can not find her father, and gives a bouquet of flowers to a disabled boy.
Later, she learns that this isKolya, with whom they are now relatives. She thinks a lot about her parents, but the heroine calls her father "you." "Wild dog dingo, or the Tale of First Love" is a book about teenage experiences, about that confusion of feelings that can be created in the soul of a young man or a girl at such a tender age. The events described in the book continue to develop in the school class, where Kolya appears. In this class, Tanya herself studies, as well as her friend named Filka.
New feelings
And now between the family members beginsrivalry for the attention of the parent, and most often the initiator of scandals is exactly Tanya. But gradually the girl realizes that she begins to feel tender feelings for Kole - she is constantly embarrassed in his presence, looking forward to his appearance. Her experiences become noticeable - they are very dissatisfied with her friend Filka, who belongs to a classmate with special warmth and who does not want to share her society with anyone.
Character of the protagonist
Those students who need to retella short summary of Fraerman's "Wild Dingo Dog," should be mindful of the path that the main characters of the book go through. It is for every teenager. This is the first love, friendship and betrayal, the need to take an important step and, finally, to grow up. Such a path awaits every hero of the book, but first of all it is about Tanya Sabaneyeva.
In fact, it is the main character ReubenFraerman described it as a "wild dingo dog" - after all, she received such a nickname in a classroom for her isolation. With the help of her experiences, hopes and aspirations, the writer describes the main character traits of the heroine - the ability to compassion, self-esteem, the ability to understand. Tanya only looks like a simple schoolgirl. In fact, it differs from its comrades in the ability to feel beautiful, struggles with all its strength towards truth, beauty, justice. That is why the reviews of the "Wild dog dingo" Fraerman - the most positive. After all, the book evokes bright feelings in the reader, compelling the main heroine to sympathize.
Adulthood is not in years
Таня всей душой сочувствует матери, продолжающей to love a departed father; she tries to understand what is the cause of the family drama, and is capable of sound conclusions, which not every adult could do in its place. Tanya's dreams of unknown countries, of an unusual dingo dog, speak of a passionate and poetic nature. The character of the main character is most clearly revealed in her tender feelings for Kolya. She gives herself to this love with all her heart, but still does not lose herself, tries to comprehend what is happening to her.
Summary of Fraerman's Wild Dingo DogIt will not be able to convey all the nuances described in the book. Initially, Tanya was constantly jealous of her father to Kolya, she always scandalized with a newly made "relative." Despite the fact that Kolya was still trying to make friends with his half-sister (for example, with the help of Gorky's stories), this leads to only one quarrel. A classmate named Zhenya even suggests that Tanya is in love with her stepbrother.
Closer to the coming of the New Year, feelings thatexperience the main characters of the "Wild Dingo Dog" Fraerman, gradually transformed. Tanya realizes that she loves Kolya. Filka, in love with Tanya, is very hard to survive this and after the end of the dances is decided on the intrigue. He informs Tanya that Kolya and Zhenya are going to the skating rink tomorrow. And Kolya says that he plans tomorrow to go with Tanya to the play. The next day Tanya goes to the ice rink, however, when Kolya and Zhenya appear there, she decides to forget the boy. But on the road the weather spoils, the storm begins, and she decides to warn the comrades. The wife manages to escape quickly, and Kolya falls and can not go.
Further development of the plot
Таня бросается во двор к Фильке и берет у него Dog sled, presented to Filka by his father. Tanya is drawing Kolya, but the storm is getting stronger. Fortunately, on the way they come across border guards, which save the lives of children. Further, Reuben Fraerman describes how Kolya's cheeks and ears were frostbitten. Tanya and Filka often visit their comrade. However, when the study starts again, a rumor creeps among the classmates that Tanya specially dragged Kolya into a snowstorm to destroy him. Tanya is expelled from the pioneer organization. The girl is very hard to survive, but soon everyone will know how things really were.
In the end, Tanya dares openlytalk to your mother about your problems. They decide to leave the city. The main character talks about this decision to Filka and plans to notify Kolya the next morning. From Filka's jealousy he tells everything to Father Kolya and Tanya. The father appears at the place of their meeting at the very moment when Tanya confesses to Kolya in her feelings. After that, the girl leaves to say goodbye to Filka, and leaves.
History of the book
The history of the creation of the "Wild Dog Dingo", in the opinionresearchers of creativity of Fraerman, originates during the writer's stay in the Far East, where he saw many examples of the truly knightly attitude of the Tungus boys to Russian girls. The plot of the book ripened in the writer's mind for several years. When, finally, the writer was ready to create a work, he retired from everyone in the Ryazan village of Solotche. Fraerman's wife recalled that the book was ready in a month. Now this work is very popular among teenagers and young people, and this is not surprising, because it discusses topics that will be relevant at all times.