What are the forms of holding events?

Definition of the concept of "leisure" is time inintervals between employment of useful work. It is possible to identify its functions through the arrangement of cultural and recreational programs that will characterize the forms of carrying out activities in the recreational and developing activities, which includes a whole complex of carefully selected culturally synthesized active energy that fills the entire leisure space.

forms of events

Cultural and recreational programs and their features

Features of cultural leisure and its programsdetermine the differences between the cultural leisure and supplementary education programs. The difference is that the cultural and recreational program is not organized specifically and is not studied - its implementation is spontaneous, as the preparation and conduct of mass leisure activities. Knowledge and skills arise as a result of the process of independent work outside of classes. Forms of events can be very diverse.

The subjects of leisure activities may be peopleof all age categories, both as organizers of a mass event, and children together with teachers and / or parents. In the course of implementing the cultural leisure program, a large number of all kinds of new roles (or positions) are provided-educational or improvising. There are organizers, performers, authors, spectators, artists, costumers, even designers, music designers, lighting and other stage workers, moderators, jury members and so on. The quantitative and qualitative content of roles will depend on the form of the events.

Types of cultural leisure programs

The basis of the proposed classification is the degree of mass character of the event and its length in time.

forms of holding mass events

1. One-time program in the form of a game.The forms of carrying out of the events do not depend on the preparation of the participants, which are included in the game during the course of action. Games can be both intellectual and mobile; both at the table, and in the library, in the hall or in the open air. Depending on the age of the participants, the length of this lesson is adjusted. The description of the game is most often served by a scenario plan. Literary scenario confirms the qualifications, pedagogical culture, mastery of the organizers.

2.A competitive game program (a given topic) requires preliminary preparation of participants. Forms of events can be a KVN, a tournament, all sorts of intellectual games. For children, such programs have educational and educational goals and consist of training that implies joint creativity. For adults, the meaning of this form of holding mass events is the acquisition of team play skills.

KVN form

A competitive game program of this form is notis carried out without a full scenario, where the tasks are formulated, the preparation is described, the list of recommended literature is given. New forms of holding events make it possible to organize a well-planned and expected holiday by the public.

new forms of events

Among the features of preparing such a plan for competitive-game programs and their conduct, the main aspects are:

  1. It is very important not to turn this fun game into a boring examination, when there is no room for fiction, fantasy and improvisation.
  2. On the other hand, independence must be subtle, but unswervingly accompanied by leading leaders, in order to avoid bad taste and all manner of vulgarity.
  3. In the event that KVN is held among schoolchildren, it is important to instill a taste for subtle humor, intelligent joke, teach to find funny in itself, and in the surrounding life.

IQ Games

The forms and methods of the event alloworganization of mass intellectual games as a kind of competitive-game program. Here success comes at the expense of erudition, intellect, and intellectual abilities of a person - wit, wit, ability to foresee the situation.

forms and methods of the event

Real practice prefers intelligentgames of combined forms. Good, for example, story quizzes, in which there is an economic strategy. The forms of leisure activities here are not too diverse: most often these are questions offered to participants. Therefore, the most important for the organizers is the selection of topics and the formulation of questions.

Playing the theater

The play-play assumes the presence of the leaders of thisgame program. They are most often the organizers of the holiday, if it is for adults, and teachers, if a holiday for children. The forms of cultural and recreational activities envisage in this type of game the obligatory nature of the plot, built in such a way that absolutely strangers can without preparation prepare tasks or play small roles. The fate of the heroes of this semi-improvisational play will depend entirely on the direct participants of the theatrical action.

The plot game

This is also a theatrical event.What are the forms of holding such a plan? Very diverse. The main thing here is the creation of a certain atmosphere and the development of a clear design of the game situation. The preparation period can be long. A very interesting move is the preparation of an initiative group, which in the process of a theatrical story game will gradually attract outsiders to action.

forms of leisure activities

Very important is the advance information onsubjects. For example, in a few weeks, a costume ball called "The Nineteenth Century: Pushkin and his Muses" is announced. Those wishing to participate will try to get or build costumes and feel the atmosphere of a social event. Further, all the trump cards will be in the hands of the organizers. To hold such a holiday, you will need a detailed plan of carrying out with clearly stated tasks, preparation of the exposition (scenery and so on).

Spectacle and feast

The main forms of the activitiesspectacular. It can be concerts, sports competitions and much more. Here usually there are performers and spectators. Often, these forms are used as fragments of folk festivals and other mass events.

A holiday is a time consuming kind of a leisure program.It requires a lot of preparation, a variety of activities and such methods of holding, so as to attract as many people as possible. Entertainment should alternate, moving from spectacles to mass participation.

forms of cultural and leisure activities

These are all kinds of rallies, contests, shows,festivals, creative reports, greetings, ceremonies, presentations, festivities, carnivals, theatrical performances, sports and physical culture holidays, thematic days, weeks, and so on. Within the framework of a mass celebration, many different types of work can be used. Here are the awards, are the heroes of various important events, all sorts of game programs and solemn rituals are held.

Holiday program

The program must be printed in severalcopies and to be not only at each of those responsible for the holiday and the organizers, but also among those participants who prepared in advance who are involved in all fragments of the program. With a simple list of concert numbers holiday may not work. Also in the program in the most detailed way all preparation for a holiday, organizational actions with instructions of responsible, etc. should be painted.

Long leisure program

This is the name of a program designed for moreor less permanent composition of its participants. For example, an art studio, a group of aircraft modeling and so on. Such a program lasts depending on the form of cultural and leisure activities from several days to several years. There are literary studios that celebrated the fiftieth anniversary, for example.

what are the forms of events

The type of these events are closest torole-playing games, and the main thing here for a successful and really long period of work of the leisure program is the presence of a kind of social idea (story) that binds together, the creative activity of the team (system-forming factor), self-expression of the individual in a variety of game situations, desire.

For children

In pedagogy, the program of activitiesrole-playing game is applicable both within the school, and in the summer camp, and in children's groups of additional education. There is a rule for such programs, which is mandatory for execution: the distinction between clear steps that begin and end with some bright event. These are role-playing situational games of the hobbit type, and “Prival Travels”, and all kinds of “Robinsonads”.

main forms of events

Durable leisure programs are especially popular insummer camps, as the epic game can be the basis of the whole camp shift, if you combine all the events with one theme. The activity of all teams, all general mass holidays will be subject to this topic. Experience in conducting such role-playing games has accumulated immense. For example, the game "New Civilization" is very popular for high school students.


1. The game "Republic".A peculiar state is being created, where the main law reflects both the rights and obligations of all citizens (both children and adults). Citizenship is fostered through participation in the modeling of state management, skills and abilities of democratic life are inculcated.

2. The game "Journey", during which the course of navigation in the Ocean of Teaching is performed.

3. Game "Construction". This program is especially well possible to captivate younger students. Each team builds its own "house" of relationships within the team. So grows a neighborhood of useful things.

A long leisure program usually wears brightmanifested educational nature. The form of its implementation can be all the above-mentioned leisure programs, both gaming and competitive, and necessarily - holiday, which are included in the program as constituent elements, for which all other activities are started. The undoubted value of long-term leisure programs is unconditional, since the development of skills and abilities is stimulated. Children get the opportunity to realize their needs in various areas of creativity, social adaptation is accelerated, social activity is stimulated.