/ / A successful rhyme for the word "hands" will help create a real masterpiece!

A successful rhyme for the word "hands" will help create a real masterpiece!

Very often a poet faces a problem -You need a rhyme for the word "hands", for example. And the writer breaks his head, trying to write a beautiful poem. Meanwhile, many authors have already found a way out.

Song creativity

Everyone knows the hit of the eighties, wherethe diligence of young people is praised - "Our hands are not for boredom!". Such beautiful and capacious lines have become almost a slogan, the motto of all those who do not want to sit idle, to whom the routineness of everyday life abhors.

rhyme to the word of the hand

"For boredom" is a beautiful rhyme for the word "hands", in this combination the meaning of the lines is deep enough and saturated.

Children's literature

Even Kornei Chukovsky used the rhyme tothe word "hands". When the dirty trick became clean and neat, the trousers themselves jumped into his arms! Returned to the boy and all the other items that had previously been hiding, ran away, did not want to deal with him.

Here's the option, how cool is the rhyme used for the word "hands" in the "trousers" variant.

rhyme selection

Poems about creative people

Everyone knows that a person is able to work miracles. And very often poets sing this fact in their poems.

And make human hands

Fantastic amazing tricks!

Crochet lace they are erasing,

And the piano is played!

And it often happens that in science

People are very much in need of hands.

Do the operation with your hands,

A deaf-mute and notation

Can read. Such hands

You can not call it hooks.

Here we use a fairly simple versionselection of rhyme, the word "tricks", "in science" and "hooks". And the latter option is widely used in popular speech, often used in proverbs. The expression "Hands-hooks" is already a catch phrase.

Such lines, when the words of one part of speech rhyme in the same form, are considered to be the simplest and most common. These are rhymes "tricks", "hooks", "trousers".

But the phrase "not for boredom", "in science"already stand on a higher level in versification, for here the nouns stand in oblique cases, unlike the main one, which is used in the nominative.

Help in selecting rhymes

If before the poet in a quiet night alonehe broke his own head, composing verses, but today many programs, dictionaries are provided to help the poet. They suggest that the writer make a choice of rhyme, without putting special efforts to it.

Of course, automatic generators are not capable ofto hear the music of a word, to understand its lexical meaning. Therefore, the author needs to carefully study the list of proposed options, and then choose the right one. And choose here is among what!

Flours, sounds, pieces, partings, glitches, knocks - these are variants of rhymes expressed by nouns.

There are also such as handless, two-handed, dry-handed, hundred-handed, long-armed, crooked, short-sighted. A number can continue and other similar short adjectives.