When it's time to choose a future profession,it would be desirable to change a hobby or the basic kind of activity when there was a desire to change something in the life we are looking for a new occupation for ourselves. This occupation can become anything. You, for example, have never been interested in how these or other articles are written? What do authors do when writing them? What motivation makes a person move in this direction - writing texts?
What is an article?
To clarify this concept, one can approachmany parties. The article can be presented as a scientific work describing some phenomena and incidents. It can also act as a genre of journalism, which carries an entertaining or informative character.
The article itself is of a small size.For example, if it is a scientific work, too much information can turn it into a scientific essay, a course essay, a thesis or even a book. There may be a question how to write articles for publications, but the principle of writing in this case is almost similar.
Very often the writing of articles is confused with the usual onessketches, manuscripts, texts that do not carry an informative character - that is, one that does not convey information to the masses. If the text is published and is informative - it can be called an article.
Problems in modern journalism
Often, you can find many usual notes,"Drafts", with published and proud title "article". In modern society, even ordinary amateur writers can call themselves literate journalists. But if the text does not have clear facts, conclusions and reliable information, confirmed by certain sources, it can not be called an article.
Also a very common mistake novice writersis the inability to convey information to the public. This is because it always has a different level of knowledge, different outlooks and classes. The ability to bring facts to a certain category of people is a very important indicator in the writing of any article. To develop skills, you can use samples to write articles.
Impact on the reader, which occurs inthe time of reading this or that information also plays an important role - what the article will bring, what conclusions it will lead to, it may disprove erroneous stereotypes, or, on the contrary, force them to adhere to them even more. And all because the word always had a strong influence on any person.
How to write articles: the stages of writing
How, then, to write a literate article? We divide the actions into several stages:
- to determine the main criteria: the topic, scope, target audience, objectives of this article;
- conditionally draw up a writing plan: break down into headings, subtitles, paragraphs, anything - this will help to spread your thoughts throughout the text;
- the material used: which sources you will use, which people to refer to, and how reliable your information will be;
- write the text in accordance with the generally accepted rules of writing: the introductory part, the main and final.
Создавать тексты не всегда бывает просто.Many people are wondering how to learn how to write articles. Specialists in this field say that this is not only consistent, sometimes monotonous and long work, but you need to have patience, skill, and experience. The first "test of the pen" may not at all come out with what is needed, but with every new attempt, with due attention will get better, because how to write articles correctly, you need to know everyone who wants to do it.
Types of articles
Each of the articles written by many journalists has a specific theme. Thus, all articles are divided into types:
- Informational.
Carry certain information: news articles, reporting, reports, etc.
- Analytical.
This may be various reviews, reviews, recommendations, advertising.
- Artistic.
That is, such articles, which is not so importantthe semantic load, how much is the opinion of the author, his thoughts on the matter and the decoration. Often this kind of articles is used in magazines: various interviews and stories of specific people.
Scientific articles and how to write them
Quite a lot, especially students of highereducational institutions, it is sometimes necessary to write a couple of scientific articles. How to write scientific articles and what should be present in them is what is described in this paragraph.
Scientific articles, in fact, are a small study in some field. It is necessary to properly present your arguments in the text.
- Conduct your own experiments and get personal experience - let your article will be supported by examples of your achievements.
- Analyze the research results of other scientists or students for the best accuracy of information.
- Do not use already published data - use your own. An example of how to write a scientific article can be found in this publication or consult with a teacher.
It is recommended to create articles with effect.novelties based on their personal achievements and experiences. Then you will not be wondering how to write a scientific article, and your work will be a priority for others.
What are articles for?
As stated above, articles should always carryinformative nature. Information can reach various categories of people: for lovers of beauty trends, then this can be an article for a popular women's magazine; scientific article - for the announcement of a newly found invention or for scientific sites; entertainment articles - for various events; articles on children's topics in educational magazines for parents, articles on health, respectively, for books, websites or newspapers about it.
Тут становится вполне актуальным вопрос:How to write articles for the site? There is practically no difference: again, it all depends on the subject and target audience. For the rest, the principles of writing are almost the same.
What does the article mean for a journalist?
If this does not apply to work - writing articles ontopics provided by the authorities, then it really means a lot to the journalist. Each professional, one way or another, started from the bottom. This did not always mean writing for someone, perhaps for himself or any school projects. In this case, writing becomes much more interesting, thinking with each new article becomes more extensive, and the views and worldviews change.
It is said that a journalist is a person whounderstands almost all spheres of activity - from cars to the contents of a women's handbag, from global problems to minor scandals. In this situation, a person develops not only the skills of writing texts, but also constantly gains new knowledge through active analyzes of various sources.
If the writing of articles is still related toworking process, the importance of a journalist is greatly praised. For example, working at an enterprise, you need to know how to write articles, not only to save work and show yourself as a competent specialist: the future rating of the company, statistics of its income and work, as well as information that the audience will receive depends on the written texts of the journalist.
Good article rates
There is quite a clear question: how to write articles? Experts identify three ways to write well:
- literacy;
- authenticity;
- uniqueness.
With literacy everything is clear - no goodwritten article without knowledge of competent presentation. Correctly printed text is much easier to read, which increases its information content at times simply because the reader will reach its end and understand what is at stake.
Достоверность информации крайне важна по several reasons. First, each article, as already mentioned, carries a certain amount of information. And, to be more precise, accurate, reliable information based on confirmed facts. No author in the world can write an article without relying on any information. Secondly, the article will be of poor quality due to the lack of sources or false facts. You also need to know how to write articles for websites so that the information is not repeated.
Uniqueness in writing is as important asprevious items. Not a unique text - is plagiarism. And this is completely discouraged in the modern world of copywriting. After writing the article, it is necessary to check for uniqueness - for this there are many different programs.
Text structuring
The main importance of a correct and literate text is perception. How the target audience understands the article depends on whether it will be successful.
And for better perception, you should divide the text intopoints and sub-points - so the article will be read faster, easier and more understandable. Also, do not write too long and complex sentences - they are easily confused, and the meaning will be lost. But especially zealous not worth it, because the writing can be just incomprehensible scraps.
Try to put the essence of the article throughout the text,not closer to the middle or to the end. It threatens that the reader, having lost interest, will not reach the end. You can use numbered and unnumbered lists, add photos, people quotes for a better perception of the topic. In addition, it also raises the interest of the reader at times.
Novice writers sometimes do not know how to start writing an article. Naturally, this should be done with the title. What should it be?
- The title must contain a "lightning" - somethingthat will immediately make it clear what your text is about. However, it is not recommended to put the reader in a puzzled state. If you can come up with a short headline, do it.
- Do not write in the title too abstruse words - again, it all depends on the target audience for which this article is being prepared. Too difficult to perceive the words do not arouse the interest of readers.
- Headings are recommended to write without usingseparators, exceptions may be commas, if the heading contains an enumeration (but not too complicated), question marks and exclamation marks (however, do not put them in large numbers).
Every good article starts with an exciting title. Try to make it concise and accurate, then it will draw attention to the article.
Life hacking for writing articles
Experienced journalists have been using them for a long time, thereby greatly facilitating their work. There are about five basic techniques to help write text quickly and conveniently.
- The method of "ten-finger print".It is also called the method of blind typing. Over time, when you have a lot of experience with writing articles, you can do it without looking up from the screen. In fact, you can simply type without looking at the keyboard, which will greatly simplify your task.
- Горячие клавиши.Wrong word was written, do you want to correct a letter, is it inconvenient to constantly access the mouse to make edits, drag or move text? Use hotkeys, there are a lot of them, so that they will facilitate your work.
- AutoCorrect. Her help is often resorted to while she is working, wanting to quickly replace a word or letter in the entire text at a time.
- Используйте макросы.This is the ability to record a specific sequence of commands or actions that you resort to whenever you write a new article. You may not have to repeat the same actions every time, and you will know how to write articles, topics that you have already met.
- Make up templates.A little later, you will notice that the themes of your articles are constantly being repeated - be it a review, review, article-biography, and so on. Make yourself templates for such cases and use them.
Adhering to these criteria, you can write a high-quality, competent and useful article. But still, does the work of a journalist suit everyone and everyone can write articles?
Who can write?
Wondering how to learn how to write articleseveryone can. Everyone to the same degree can try to write, compose, really a lot and think that here it is - a vocation! In fact, the profession of a writer, a journalist, an editor, and all those people who are involved in writing articles is not for everyone. You can know how to write articles, and not work in this area at all, but you can, on the contrary, strive for this profession, starting from the bottom.
In modern society, the work of a journalist is highly valued, because this person provides information to people, contributes to the formation of worldviews and opinions.
The importance of writing articles
The network is full of examples of how to write an article -everyone can really learn. There should be more competent journalists in the world who know their business; then opinions will not be formed on false information and be perceived correctly.
If you want to know how to write articles forpublications, it is enough to read all the rules and recommendations of experienced professionals. Not necessarily based on their experience, but it can be an excellent example and helper in this difficult task.