Ancient Greece is famous for its greatliterature, architecture, sculpture and other arts. Since ancient times people have given huge preference to the lyrics, which were often accompanied by music. Today not everyone of us knows what an ode is, but more than once we heard a solemn poem performed by popular authors. In ancient literature such a genre of poetry was revered and seemed to be the pinnacle of art. For the local population, the ode was a choral song with its inherent grandeur, solemnity. Quite often it was possible to hear it at competitions, for example, in honor of the winner.

The most famous writer among the Romans was Horace.He skillfully expressed all feelings and emotions, and also used elements of Aeolian poetry in his works. The writer created a collection of odes, which at that time were called "songs." Horace skillfully adapted all his works to the Latin language and used Alkeev stanza. That's why the ode, the songs had almost the same meaning for people. Later, in the Baroque era, they began to be called "lyrical works", which were created in high style with the use of ancient paragraphs.

The work in Russia
Verse (ode) was considered the most amazing creation.At the time of the birth of Russian literature, many writers tried to implement it. These include MV. Lomonosov, A.S. Pushkin, N. Nekrasov and many others. Mostly these were poems dedicated to the queen, beloved, life. On the question of what an ode is, there is a very simple answer: a work of art, a genre of lyric poetry, a solemn poem dedicated to someone or some event. Style of presentation is very melodic, enthusiastic, delighted.
History of the development of the ode
It is believed that an unusual literary genreappeared in 500 BC. For the first time such a work was written by the poet of ancient Greece Pindar. Then he had no idea what an ode was, and simply sang praises to kings, aristocrats, gods. Only with the onset of European classicism was the true meaning of the poem revealed. The founder of the lyric genre is rightly considered F. Malebre. During his lifetime, he glorified power in France. His work was continued by the famous poet J. Rousseau. In Russia, what is an ode, was first announced by VA. Trediakovsky.

Types of poems
Very often poems were solemngenre, but there are also moral, spiritual and love songs. Each of them is aimed at achieving a certain result, that is, the reader or listener should experience certain emotions. Thus, the poet as if directs a person to the true path or tries to convey his feelings to him. At one time the most popular were the odes to their beloved. Of course, such poems were intended only for one listener (reader) - the chosen one, the lady of the heart. They were written with such feelings, love, which, it was supposed, could melt the ice in the soul of a person or make him forgive all grievances. In our time, odes can be found very rarely, but they are just as important. Of course, the poems created before our era are extraordinary and unique, but the new literature is also full of surprises.