/ / Short literary analysis: "Jubilee" (Mayakovsky). Features of the poetry of the author

A short literary analysis: "Jubilee" (Mayakovsky). Features of the poetry of the author

Great value for the characteristics of the Russianpoetry of the 1920s has an overview of Soviet literature and its analysis. "Jubilee" (Mayakovsky - the author of this poem) in this respect is very interesting, because in it the poet expressed his view of classical and modern literature. And also in the symbolic, peculiar to him one original form, summed up his poetic biography at this stage.


To understand the peculiarities of the poet's workconsider one of the most important works of the author, we will carry out his analysis. Mayakovsky wrote the "Jubilee" in 1924, just at the very time when he revised his views on classical literature somewhat. The creation of this work should be inextricably linked with the writing to them twelve years ago of the pamphlet of the futurists, who called to forget the achievements of classical literature, to drop all old authorities and begin to create a new language and poetry.

analysis of the jubilee Mayakovsky

This pamphlet, created in the spirit of his time,nevertheless had a public resonance, since most writers, although they were looking for fundamentally new forms of expression of their thoughts and feelings, but either were guided by the classics, or at least respected them. V. Mayakovsky and his supporters looked at it differently and acted from extremely radical positions in the matter of updating literature. However, after a decade the author rethought his attitude to classical literature, which was reflected in his new work.

About Pushkin

From the title of the poem, you should begin its reviewand analysis. The "Jubilee" (Mayakovsky so symbolically called him, because the 125th anniversary of the birth of Pushkin was nearing) begins with an appeal to Alexander Sergeyevich. The author, in his characteristic familiar manner, offers a heart-to-heart talk. Already in this appeal, Mayakovsky's sympathy for "the sun of Russian poetry" is felt. Despite a fairly familiar tone, the author nevertheless very respectfully responds to Pushkin, recognizes his merits in the development of Russian literature in general and poetry in particular. He puts himself on the same level with him and regrets that the poet lived at another time. In this direct attempt to put his name next to Pushkin, the author's desire to reconcile with the classics is evident. V. Mayakovsky even apologizes to Alexander Sergeevich for his pamphlets, assuring that now all these hobbies of youth have remained for him in the past.

to Mayakovsky

About other poets

In addition to Pushkin, the poet gives an assessment andpredecessors, and contemporaries. Thus, he praises Nekrasov for being "his peasant," although the latter also wrote love and sentimental lyrics, against which Mayakovsky spoke, considering it unnecessary and useless for revolutionary propaganda. To assess the state of the first stage of the development of Soviet poetry, it is necessary to note the most significant works and conduct their textual analysis. "Jubilee" (Mayakovsky in this work assesses the state of Russian literature) occupies a special place in this sense. In it, the poet also mentioned Yesenin's work, which he spoke rather sharply. It is known that they were ideologically opposed to each other: the creativity of these people was too different.

verse of Mayakovsky anniversary


The considered product is very indicativeto understand the evolution of the poet's views. Mayakovsky as a whole remained true to his creative principles: he does not renounce understanding poetry as the strongest means for revolutionary struggle and the practical transformation of society, but he revises his attitude towards his predecessors, which is important for a man like the author. Mayakovsky's verse "Jubilee" is interesting because in it the author, albeit in a hidden, veiled form, recognizes some mistakes of youth. This gives out a great artist of the word, who understood, realized his delusions and, in his characteristic sarcastic form, apologized to them.

jubilee beacon size of a verse

In addition, the work is interesting for itsphilosophical content: it raises the questions of life and death (for example, the poet talks about eternity, which will equalize and reconcile him with Pushkin), the importance of poetry in public life (here the author is rather harsh in his assessments, still criticizing the lyrics and romantic themes ). This work is written in the form characteristic for many works of Mayakovsky. It is built in the form of a ladder, has short lines, thoughts are expressed in a concise and concise form. The poem "Jubilee" (Mayakovsky), the size of the verse is accentuated, which gives it greater sonority and firmness of the syllable due to the fact that only the use of percussion is ordered in it, and unstressed syllables are applied in an arbitrary order. At school literature lessons in the study of the Soviet period, the general education program offers children to analyze the poem "Jubilee". Mayakovsky is a rather peculiar poet, which is why his work requires detailed analysis and understanding.