Summary of the story of Belkin's "Shot"transfers the reader to a small place in which the army regiment was quartered. The life of the officers passed in accordance with the established procedure, boredom was dissipated only by meetings with Silvio. This person for all local residents was a continuous secret, no one knew where he came from, who he used to be, what his income was. Silvio was uncommunicative, possessed a strong temper, sharp tongue, but always covered the table with officers, and champagne flowed from him. For such hospitality, the military forgave him everything.
Strange behavior of Silvio

Among the guests was a new one who did not know abouthabits of men. When the young officer told Silvio that he was mistaken, the master continued to stubbornly remain silent. The drunken young man in anger launched a man into the head of a shandal. Everyone thought that the fight could not be avoided, but Silvio only asked the offender to get out of his house. At first this incident was actively discussed, but soon it was forgotten, and only an officer sympathizing with the silent could not reconcile himself to the fact that his friend did not wash off the insults.
Personal Secret of Silvio

The main characters in the story of Belkin's "The Shot" possessedcool temper, one day at the ball competitors quarreled, and Silvio received from his enemy a slap in the face. The offender came to the duel with a cap full of cherries. The right of the first shot was received by the officer, but he only shot the headdress of Silvio. He himself was calmly standing at the barrel of the pistol and spitting stones from the cherries.

And now a familiar officer retires and leaveslive in a poor village, where the story ends Belkin. The summary "Shot" says that the man became friends with the Countess and Count, who turned out to be very nice people. The attention of the retired officer is attracted by a picture shot through two bullets in one place. During the conversation, he realized that the young Earl was an old offender to his friend Silvio. It turns out that he found his enemy when he spent his honeymoon with his young wife. Silvio reminded him of his shot, but offered to draw lots again.
The earl was the first to shoot, but he was so nervous andI hurried to miss and hit the picture. The countess came running at the shot, her husband began to reassure that it was just a game, and Silvio ordered to shoot faster, but he refused, saying that he saw what he wanted - confusion and fear of the offender. Already leaving, he turned around and, without aiming, shot in the picture, hitting exactly in the place shot through the count.