The symbolic name of 13 years of marriage is lacewedding. By this name our ancestors wanted to save the family from the otherworldly, demonic number "13". After all, the laces are weaving, the threads of each other are entangled in a special way so that they can not be torn and untwisted. So the fate of people who have lived to 13 years of marriage, are firmly connected, weave for the rest of their lives.
To make a beautiful pattern in lace,you must carefully approach his knitting. So with marital relations. If the spouses carefully and carefully weave the "lace" of their love throughout their life together, the pattern of their destinies will be beautiful and durable, like old lace.
There is a belief that numbers affecthuman destinies, therefore from time immemorial, among all peoples there were amulets, including in the names of wedding anniversaries and other holidays. On the thirteenth anniversary of the wedding, they said that she checks couples for strength and protects them from demons who quarrel with husband and wife, confuse their thoughts, feelings and actions. If a married couple crossed the threshold of the thirteenth year of living together, then it was easier for them to walk side by side together for many more years.
As a sign of the fortress of conjugal bonds in ancient timeshusband and wife on the day of the 13th wedding planted a birch tree near the house and tied it with a lace ribbon. Thus, around the hut was created a protective aura, which protected family members from evil spirits. Today, the birch tree can be selected in the forest and tied with lace, so that the family is protected by good spirits for a long time.
On the day of the thirteenth anniversary of the wedding in the houseObjects were brought in from aspen and oak. Products from this wood also had a protective force, and besides they had an applied character - they were used in household goods. Children growing up in the family received as gifts on this day crafts made of oak, aspen. At the present time, it is possible to purchase any interior item or furniture from these breeds in the house, so that they, like in the old days, cleaned our houses of demons and other defilements.
Spouses accepting congratulations on the 13th anniversaryweddings, wore attire with lace. And now things with lace trim are considered exclusive and give any, even masculine, clothing refinement and elegance.
On the ornate table forcedly put pancakes, thin as lace. There is a lace wedding in the circle of relatives, relatives and friends.
On this day for the house-living in the house,always prepared a gift - a lace handkerchief so that he would continue to protect family happiness. They put him on the stove, where, according to the legend, this patron of the home hearth likes to sit. Today, in the absence of stoves, such a handkerchief can be placed near the battery or any other warm place in the house.
For 13 years, weddings are usually givenechoing the name of the anniversary. For example, things with lace trim: tulle, napkins, tablecloths, bed linens. The original gift will be an old lace, enclosed under a beautiful frame. You can present "lacy young" any knitted or warm thing: carpet, bedspread, plaid, cushions with beautiful knitted or woven pillowcases. Spouses celebrating the 13th anniversary of the wedding will be happy with the electric fire, a lamp, a floor lamp, a sconce, a pair of designer candlesticks. The main thing is that your gift emphasizes the warm atmosphere of the family, which marks the thirteenth anniversary of the wedding.
For his wife, a pleasant surprise will be a dressing gown or lingerie with lace, presented by her husband, and the wife will be surprised by a gift lovingly tied by his wife.
The wedding anniversary of 13 years is also calledLily-of-the-valley in honor of touching fragile flowers, embodying the love that the spouses saved and reported until this date. If the celebration falls in the spring, the husband presents to his half a delicate bouquet of lilies of the valley.