Rapid Seduction of Women

There are many ways tolearn how to quickly seduce and seduce women. One of the important elements of the technology of quick seduction is the redirection of offers and hidden commands. This is nothing more than one of the secrets of using neuro-linguistic programming (NLP for short). Simply put, you impose on her the feelings that you want her to experience, acting in such a way as if they came from somewhere. Their sources can be anyone and anything: your own feelings, a hypothetical situation, a friend, a television show or a magazine. This technique can be called as "a juggling of reality."

At the most elementary level, this is justthe simplest example of framing your team. "Have you ever experienced such a wonderful feeling like ...?" - the whole phrase is not pronounced with interrogative intonation, but as an offer to the girl to surrender to the power of this magical feeling here and now. In everything that you are talking about, there must be some genuine realism. At the same time, we should not forget about the other side of the medal: it is an artificially fictional and created reality. The trick is to shuffle reality and fiction, making them inseparable.

The simulation of the situation is largely due toquoting. That is, everything that you say should, as it were, come from extraneous lips or be accidentally overheard. One pattern designed by Ross Jeffress is offered to your attention:
Men are sometimes very rude.I still can not believe that I witnessed one unforgettable scene. One evening, a guy came up to a girl sitting next to me at the bar, and said: "Count up, we make love to you, and you get high on it. Why do you dream about cunnilingus all night long, if you can now. I promise you won't be childish. " How can you dare to make an unfamiliar woman such an indecent proposal?

But the version of the story for tying dating:
You know, I often ask women about which way of dating является, по их мнению, самым худшим.What do you think about this? (She answers.) Yes, this is all pretty unpleasant. Listen, I will tell you about what I heard from one woman. Personally, I can not believe her words. Once, when she was in a bar, one type approached her, looked into her eyes (take her hand and look into her eyes) and said: "Imagine for a moment how we are having oral sex and I do everything that you get from. We are both excited, and you say you want me, and you begin to beg me to take you right here and now. " Can this worthless hope for reciprocity? For example, I would never allow myself anything like that.

Have you done anything wrong?Just invited her to think about how great it would be to make love to you and that she would love it. You said all of the above in such a way that she didn’t even have a thought to connect it with your personality. That is, the information came to her not directly from you.

Quoting the source is a great toolbecause it keeps you away from the topic of conversation. This is especially important when it comes to very shy or unsure girls who feel very shy in the presence of men. As a result, in the near future, the girl will begin to treat everything that is good, whatever you say, and will start thinking not only about communicating with you, but also about sex, and this is the cornerstone principle of quick seduction and seducing women.

Quoting is especially useful if youI decided to suddenly turn to conversations on the topic of sex, which, in fact, is mentioned in the above examples. Talk about sex is an integral part of seduction, but carry a great danger. With the help of citation, you kind of place the necessary idea in the consciousness of a woman, while at the same time remaining invulnerable to the manifestation of any negative feelings and reactions (such as, for example, a loud slap in the face).

On the other hand, quoting can become an insurmountable obstacle if you communicate with girls who are advanced in all respects and who love adventure.

Такой типаж женской натуры предпочитает, когда им directly address their feelings and talk about their own experiences with all the passion, and with detached coldness. In this case, if you overdo it with quotations, you can create an idea of ​​yourself as a non-initiative, boring person, and this, in turn, will create a distance between you, which, in fact, should be avoided in any communication with the object of seduction. If a woman has a rich imagination, then bravely get ready to attack and move on to the most active actions.

Stupid learning patterns will not bring the desired result in the skills of seducing women. You need to know how to use them properly, how to properly adjust yourself and say them in time.