/ / Why say wishes for the night to his girlfriend?

Why say the wishes for the night your girlfriend?

wishes for the night your girlfriend

When a guy genuinely loves a girl, he wants tosurround her with care, tenderness and attention. He uses every opportunity to express her feelings to her, give her caresses and show how dear to him. It is especially touching when a man says wishes for the night to a beloved girl. This can be said directly in bed if the couple spends the night together, and can be voiced over the phone, transferred via Skype or sent as a message to the mail or to a smartphone. No matter how the wish is conveyed, the main thing is a sign of attention and expression of their sincere feelings through these words. Therefore, they must be as gentle, affectionate and reflective of the attitude of the man to his beloved. A short and dry "good night" can be turned into a whole poem or mini-story with words of love, compliments to the girl and wishes for pleasant dreams.

wishes good night to your girlfriend

Sleep, my joy, sleep

Wish everyone good night withoutexceptions, not only their second half. This is done by parents, children, grandparents, sisters, brothers, friends to each other, colleagues, if the conversation was delayed until late at night. The wishes for the night to his girlfriend are special in nature, because they reflect the tenderness and care for her beloved. This is probably one of the most touching manifestations of a man’s love for a woman. At the same time, the action itself is not attached, wishes for the night to the girlfriend - this is another opportunity to hear her voice, to express your tenderness and sincerity of feelings. Whereas the tradition of wishing good night is not only a milestone of etiquette (as, for example, a wish for a good appetite or good morning), but it also contains quite practical significance. Speaking to someone “good night”, “sweet dreams”, “good night”, people automatically utter these words without thinking about their meaning. However, they are designed to ensure that a person spends a truly peaceful night without sleep and insomnia and awakenings in the arms of sweet dreams. In the morning he will rise cheerful, rested, vigorous, energetic and full of strength. That's what good night is for. After all, it is well known how a person feels if he has not slept well. In this regard, the wishes for the night to his girlfriend are no different.

Good night wishes to his girlfriend

So what can you say before bedtime beloved,what words to choose so she spent a really calm, peaceful night? To have sweet dreams in which she sees herself with her lover?

Good night's wish
You can come up with many such wishes, andevery day, or rather evening, to speak new. This will show the girl that her partner appreciates her and cherishes her lover, that he cares for her and wants to surprise her all the time. True, such an impulse is usually the case for couples who do not live together or have only recently come together. Life, as a rule, quickly eats up all the romance, and instead of poetic and tender wishes, only a short “good night” remains for the night, and this is a rarity for many. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of each other, and even after 20 years, speak to your woman the same words as in the period of adolescence. And how should I say a wish? Calmly The nights of her beloved will then be just as calm and serene, because she will know that they are guarded by a reliable, loving and strong man.