/ / Friendship between a guy and a girl - a mystery of nature

Friendship between a guy and a girl is a mystery of nature

People communicate, people are friendly, people fall in love ...Quite natural things, without them our life would be fresh and boring. Of course, there are many conflict situations, but it would never have occurred to anyone to give up human society. without him there is simply no life. Therefore, we can not, of course, affirm that there is no love or that there is no friendship, however, when it comes to such an incomprehensible phenomenon as the friendship between a guy and a girl, a completely logical question arises: what is this in general and whether it can exist in nature?

Each of you has already prepared an answer for yourself.this question. If you are a guy, then almost certainly you think that such a friendship can not be. If you are a girl, then you sincerely believe in such friendship, except, of course, those girls who have experienced a number of unpleasant moments connected with the fact that their "friends" started to molest them. Why does it look so skewed? After all, if some thing exists, then it must exist for everyone.

It's all about what guys and girls understand by the notion of friendship. For the female representatives, friendship between a guy and a girl - this is when a young man is always with you,you have common interests, he is pleasant to you in communication, but does not attract physically. With this you can chat pleasantly, he can complain about his problems, ask for help - in general, no one will alienate such a useful young man from himself, even if he does not attract. After all, if you think about what kind of guy a girl needs, then it should be a person with a strong character, showing initiative. With him it can be hard to find a common language, so girls need such weak-spirited "friends" to satisfy their ambitions.

Now let's look at the situation from the guy's point of view.What is seen from the outside, like the friendship between a guy and a girl, is not such in his eyes. Yes, all the external signs on the face: care, attention, help, etc. But this is done only to please the girl, even on a subconscious level. Many guys love to work for a girl, so they even like the lengthy communication that they perceive as courtship. But, they do not know that as soon as the girl "records a guy as a friend," getting out of this role will be extremely difficult. At one point he reveals his feelings, and then everything stops. The girl is shocked, the guy is upset - but there is no friendship, no matter how it happened.

The scenario described above does not pretend toabsolute truth, but it is the most common option, and for this there are certain reasons. Let's take a look at what friendship is between a guy and a girl, in terms of the pyramid of needs. The first need to be realized is the need for a lower level - that is, the continuation of the genus, if it is suppressed, it is impossible to satisfy higher needs. It makes you think about how guys choose a girl. Of course, appearance is not the main thing, but if the girl is not physically attractive, the guy will hardly want to communicate with her outside of work or study.

Friendship presupposes the absence of any kind ofthere were physical contacts, even simple touches. All communication is only on a mental level. Of course, a guy with a girl can have an excellent way of communicating, but if it is accompanied by a suppression of the desires of the lowest level of at least one person (usually a guy), it will be extremely unnatural.

If people get on well with each other and are finespend time together - they could be a great pair. The whole problem is only in the shyness of a guy incapable of showing himself to be a real man, and in the girl's inability to understand that she is better than a good friend than a good friend, she can not be found.