/ / What determines the average duration of sexual intercourse, and how to increase it?

What determines the average duration of sexual intercourse, and how to increase it?

Every man should be able to express themselves asgood lover This is important not only for the partner, but also for himself. Intimate life is an important aspect of relationships, without which there can be neither stability nor duration. In this situation, you should consider the question of what is the average duration of sexual intercourse and how to increase it.

average duration of sexual intercourse

First of all, you should consider two mainmoment of this process: psychological and physiological. Among the indirect causes are also called some external factors, for example, the quality and quantity of food, as well as the state of the environment, which can also significantly speed up ejaculation.

Average duration of sexual intercourseis calculated from the time the penis first enters the vagina. But the final point - it is an orgasm, and, as its consequence, ejaculation. It is considered the norm when a partner performs about 67-69 frictions, i.e., back and forth movements. If there are significant deviations from the norm, it is best to start working on this issue as soon as possible.

The increase in sexual intercourse as such dependsas noted above, from two aspects. It turns out that anxiety and an excessive degree of arousal affect the fact that ejaculation occurs too quickly. As a result - negative impressions of the girl, the fear of being humiliated, no positive emotions. Therefore, in this case, the main advice: be yourself, do not worry and do not strain, trying to make an impression. The most important thing is to give free rein to feelings and desires.

increase in sexual intercourse

The average duration of sexual intercourse is largelydepends on the duration of the breaks between contacts. This usually applies to inexperienced young people. But this factor can be manipulated in their favor.

In the light of the above, a natural question arises about how to prolong the duration of sexual intercourse. There are some effective tips:

  1. The best option - the use of condoms with anesthetic. They reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis, because the duration of sexual intercourse may increase significantly.
  2. You can also resort to using anesthetic lubricant: the effect will be the same.
  3. About a few hours before the intendedsexual intercourse can hold an act of masturbation. And in this case it is important to choose the right time, because the sensitivity can be restored, which is highly undesirable.
    how to prolong the duration of sexual intercourse

Если же средняя продолжительность полового акта в in each particular case it does not increase, then you can try to control your feelings directly in the process. If the ejaculation process is approaching, you can take a short break lasting several minutes. An effective technique is also the operation to remove the foreskin, that is, the so-called circumcision. This procedure has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. It makes the appearance of the penis more aesthetic.
  2. Protects against the occurrence of many diseases.
  3. Reduces the level of sensitivity of the glans penis.

The most important thing is to choose the right and appropriate methodology. Then the intimate life will improve and become harmonious.