/ / Muslim wedding - traditions and customs

Muslim wedding - traditions and customs

Islam is one of the most ancient religions,existing in the world. The Muslim wedding for centuries is celebrated according to the same traditions and customs, because for the representatives of Islam the family is one of the most precious and eternal values. The Muslim wedding is striking in its lushness, abundance, wealth, because the extent of the celebration depends on how the future family will be hospitable, loving and, unequivocally, believing and worshiping religious traditions.

Islam is certainly one of the most commonreligions in the world, but each country displays its own customs for a Muslim wedding. To organize a Muslim wedding in all traditions means to combine customs and mentality of the East and the West in the marriage ceremony. But marriage according to Islamic traditions in all countries has a lot of similarities. A man must pay his future wife a “gift”, his size and high cost depends on the strength of love and feelings of her husband.

Before the marriage ceremony

Unlike other world religionsa Muslim man has no right, firstly, to see the naked parts of his lover’s body, except for the face and hands, secondly, the meeting of young people can occur only in the presence of relatives, thirdly, it is strictly prohibited to touch the girl. On the night before marriage in some Islamic countries, they spend the “henna night”. The bride's friends gather in the same house, give advice to a young girl about building a family life, how to communicate with her husband, and also apply beautiful ornaments with henna on the skin of the feet and palms. The groom together with friends also gathers in the house of his parents, where they have fun until the morning, putting geometric figures from henna in the palm of a man. These rites are a farewell to a free, lonely life.

Muslim Wedding - Wedding

The secular and religious part of the marriageRepresentatives of the Islamic religion do not depend on each other. In other words, at the conclusion of an official marriage in the registry offices, young people do not become full-fledged husband and wife. A Muslim wedding, in the first place, implies the conduct of the Nika rite, which is similar to a Christian wedding, that is, a bond of a family union before God.

Nick happens in most cases in the mosqueaccording to strictly regulated traditions. The marriage is carried out by a mullah or imam in the obligatory presence of two witnesses, preferably men, and the father or guardian of the bride. In order for a woman to know all her basic rights and duties, the mullah reads the fourth surah of the holy scripture - the Koran. The groom announces the size of the gift that he pledges to pay during the joint marriage or in the event of a divorce. After the end of the marriage ceremony, the young exchange rings.

The wedding attire of the young is definitely expressed instrict Muslim traditions. Wedding dresses for Muslim women have a lot of differences from the vestments of brides of other religions. If in Europe the traditional color for a wedding dress is white, then in Muslim traditions brighter and more saturated shades are common. Dresses for Muslim women abound in luxury and wealth. The dresses embroidered with gold ornaments will not surprise anyone, because they have a certain sacred meaning. But, of course, a single wedding attire in Muslim countries does not exist. The decorations, decorations, outfits, fabrics and colors vary depending on national traditions, as well as fashion trends.

Celebration and feast

When setting the table, the Muslim family alsoadheres to certain traditions - Valima. This rite is obligatory, as it carries a religious meaning. It is impossible to find on the table prohibited foods that are spelled out in the Quran, for example, alcoholic beverages and pork.