/ / What should I say to a girl: that I love her or something else?

What say the girl: that I love her or something else?

Some young people do not know how or shyspeak your half tender words. They think: “What to say to the girl? What do I love her? ”It is better to be more original and romantic. Below is more about this.

what to say to the girl that i love her

What to say to a girl: that I love her or something original?

Many, thinking about what to say to his girlfriend,They face a choice: simplicity and truthfulness or original and loud words? It is necessary to understand the female psychology. Ladies love ears, so they will definitely appreciate beautiful phrases, so it’s worth being original. But if you constantly pronounce the lofty words and quote the heroes of famous novels, the girl may begin to doubt the sincerity of feelings. So sometimes you just need to be yourself and express your thoughts, describe your feelings for the lady of the heart with ordinary phrases. So simplicity and originality do not interfere with each other and should even be combined.

what to say to my girlfriend

What exactly to say?

Most guys do not know how to pronounce beautiful phrases and think: “What should a girl say? What do I love her? But what words does she want to hear? ”Everything is simple, below are some useful tips.

one.Any girl wants to know that she is beautiful and attractive. So the guy must always tell her about it. It can be noted that the lady is very beautiful, that the dress suits her very much, that she has beautiful hair and eyes, and so on. The second half will appreciate it for sure!

2Women - the keeper of the hearth and congenital mistress. So, if a lady treated her to cooked her own hands, then you should definitely praise the food. For girls, it is important that their work was appreciated.

3If a young man wants to find out what his beloved girl can say, then he should certainly know that it is important for women to know that man’s intentions are serious. Therefore, we can talk about a joint future. And almost any girl will practically melt, if her beloved young man says that only she sees his wife and wants to have children from her.

4. If a girl has some talents or abilities, then she can be periodically reminded of how she has succeeded in a particular field. She will certainly be pleased.

5. Among other things, all girls want to hear about how witty and smart they are, even if they are not.

what can I say to my girlfriend

How and when to talk?

The answer to the question “What to say to the girl?That I love her or something else? ”Was given above. Now it is time to learn how to do it so that the words are heard and appreciated. As for when to speak, in this case the rule applies: the more often the better. But if you talk about how to do it, it is important to invest the soul in any words and speak sincerely and with love, because women are very picky and able to recognize flattery.


В заключение остаётся лишь добавить, что женщины - very vulnerable and sentimental creatures. Therefore, do not skimp on the gentle and affectionate words. It is easy to speak them, but the girl will be very pleased to hear romantic phrases. In short, much can be achieved, much to prove.