The wedding is a very solemn event for any couple, just now it can foreshadow if this event happened only in a dream.
There are many dream books that givevarious interpretations of phenomena occurring during sleep, with this often these interpretations turn out to be absolutely contradictory. A person, as a rule, prefers to believe the interpretation that he likes most, but there must be some unanimous opinion on such issues. Probably, it is. What does a wedding in a dream mean?
When a dream of someone's wedding and a person sees himselfat this celebration, the dream symbolizes the fact that in a short time a person will be able to find the right way out of the situation that is tormenting him recently, does not allow him to concentrate on other issues.
When a woman sees in a dream that she has agreed to a secret wedding, in reality she should reflect on her desires and impulses and temper her a bit.
The girl who saw in a dream that she gave her consent to the offer of the hand and heart will be lucky enough to grow up in the eyes of influential people and with their help to achieve the desired goals.
When a person dreams that his parents do not givehis blessing on marriage, this can in fact promise an unfavorable outcome to the betrothal. It is worth taking into account the outcome of sleep, too, because often the initial disagreement, which resulted in the result of parents' consent and a happy engagement, can only mean difficulties when preparing for the event. After all, the organizational issues associated with the wedding are often tedious, from this the excitement grows, and dreams become fraudulent.
When a girl dreams of a wedding in a dream, but on herthe place is a completely different woman, and the beloved does not pretend to marry another, do not panic, as the dream symbolizes empty worries and baseless fears. Do not once again indulge in excitement.
Prepare for a wedding in a dream for the unmarried cansymbolize early marriage, but this need not be taken literally. It is only possible to transition to a more serious level of relations. In addition, it is worth paying attention to how troublesome was the preparation for the wedding. If in a dream a person fussed and did not know what to grab for, and about the wedding, only clothes symbolized, then we can conclude that the dreamer will have to face a lot of minor troubles that will have to be solved in the near future. For this reason, a person can get sick, but something insignificant, for example, catch a cold. For married people, the preparation for the wedding can symbolize the fact that soon the family will be replenished.
In a dream, choosing a wedding dress means only that,that soon a person will fall into a fun company, where not only will have a great time, but will also find new friends. It is worth remembering exactly how the elections were held. Were they hasty or had to take a long time to make a decision that never reached its conclusion? All these subtleties can have a significant impact on the final interpretation of sleep.
In addition, a wedding in a dream can only bereflection of a person's desires or his constant conversations on this topic. When a person too often in his thoughts resorts to the visualization of a wedding, a similar picture can arise in a dream, which in fact has no influence on the future events.
It is important to remember that not all days of dreams come true,and not all, so the dream wedding seen is a good dream, because it was possible to attend a solemn event, which brings happiness to everyone around. Do not go too deep into the interpretation of words, the main goal of sleep is rest of the body, so the foreshadowing of future events goes to a secondary plan.