/ / How to win a man: a few simple tips

How to win a man: a few simple tips

How to win a man?This is an age-old question that worried our mums, grandmothers and even great-grandmothers. However, it is very difficult to give an exact answer to it, since all men are different. To sum up all under one line is not worth it at all. Although, of course, in this article you will find several proven tips that will help, if not win, then accurately draw the attention of the representative of the opposite sex to yourself.

So, it happened. Some member of the genus Adam has sunk into your soul so much that he can not get out of there. All thoughts, dreams and dreams are only about him. And he does not notice you. What to do?

First, do not blame his eyes all the time.Believe me, a spectacular appearance at a good time will leave a much deeper and indelible impression than if he sees a woman every day or, worse, several times a day.

Remember that every woman should haveriddle. How to win a man? Let him understand that this mystery exists in you, and let him look for how to solve it. Just do not let yourself too mysterious or arrogant look. Everything is good in moderation.

Secondly, remember that men are unlikely tolike a woman dressed as a nun. Although you should not zealous in choosing the shortest mini-skirt and high pins. Vulgarity does not attract men at all, especially if you want to see them not only for one night.

The way to the heart of a man ...Everyone knows what lies through the stomach. A woman should be able to cook well, however, turning into a nanny is also not worth it. Moreover, to carry a man to work pies, pancakes and cutlets, too. This will make him a laughing stock in the eyes of others, and you will become hateful to him.

Be sexy! However, it is not necessary to turn into a heroine from indecent films, to repeat some gestures that attract men to the movies. Believe me, in life all this can scare a man.

So, we brought some tips. And now let's imagine a small scenario, according to which you can learn how to win a man and draw his attention to yourself.

So, it is best to go to battle after intelligence.Find out first all the details - up to the one who is your chosen one on a horoscope. So, how to win the heart of a male virgin or the heart of a male lion are completely different things. Or how to win a married man and single. Although, is it worth thinking about how to win a busy man? After all, you will destroy someone's family, even if unhappy, and he will be comparing you with the former all the time. But back to our topic.

Итак, вы выяснили все о вашем избраннике.Buy literature. For example, "How to win the heart of a man maiden." Now start working on yourself. Try to get carried away by the same things that he enjoys. So, love football, Japanese poetry, car racing, learn the brand of cars, read his favorite book, etc. This is all so that during a conversation he realizes that you are soul mates and that you should pay attention to you.

If you are unfamiliar with your chosen one, thenRemember that you have an advantage - the effect of a sudden and beautiful appearance, and maybe the invasion of his life. So, you can find out where he spends his free time and appear there. Of course, in the appropriate clothes. The main thing is to choose one that would hide your shortcomings on the one hand, and on the other, in which you would feel confident. Pay attention to yourself. You can elegantly walk next to him. Or come up and ask for his mobile to call a friend. Call interest in him.

Well, if you know each other for a long time, then foryou question how to win a man will not be so mysterious. Surely you will have mutual friends who can all the time tell him about what you are wonderful, beautiful, how well you prepare and love football.

Find an ally in the conquest of men.This is very important, because in this way you will be able to recognize the impression your particular step made on your lover. However, remember that your main ally is your heart. It will tell you what to do and when. Good luck!