It would seem that everything in the relationship is good.You walk together, visit a cafe, go to the movies. Suddenly, one day, the beloved declares that she doubts your feelings. Then you think about how to prove your love.
Fiery speeches for the beloved
If up to this point you have not spoken tender words to your girlfriend, then the time has come. You can use both proven phrases and more original ones.
How to prove to the girl that you love her?Write your verse. It is not as difficult as it seems, because for your beloved you can do anything. Be sure to mention in your creations your memorable events and funny nicknames that you come up with each other. If you can’t write anything at all, then you can take love letters from famous writers, lyrics, etc. Even if you just sincerely tell the girl phrases about love, she will surely believe you.

How to prove to the girl that you love her?Do it for the beloved beautiful act. After all, fiery speeches do not affect all the representatives of the fair sex. All actions can be divided into some types: everyday, banal romantic and, of course, original.
Daily feats
To daily evidence includetraditional signs of attention: give a hand at the exit, give way to public transport, say "Good morning" to your girlfriend, move the chair. Moreover, such actions need to be done daily, regardless of the weather, financial crisis, mood.
How to prove to the girl that you love her? Make romantic surprises!
Such actions need to be done periodically,so that romance does not become boring to your beloved. Such proofs include traditional inscriptions with declarations of love on asphalt, a romantic candlelight dinner, buying shoes that your girlfriend has long dreamed of, teddy bears, and much more.

This group includes the most extreme andoriginal deeds. For example, "climbing" on the balcony of your beloved with flowers. This method was practiced by our grandfathers. You can give yourself and your sweetheart a romantic trip. As you understand, when a guy loves a girl very much, he is capable of much. Therefore, you turn on the fantasy, wit and everything will turn out. You can order a serenade or firework in honor of your beloved during your journey together.
A few more original ideas: a parachute jump, a huge banner in the center of the city with a photo of your beloved, a declaration of love on the radio, riding on a yacht and much more.

By the way, to achieve the best resultideally all these ways to combine. For example, once every six months, for the sake of a girl, to do an insane act, to visit a restaurant with your beloved once a month, to occasionally give flowers. Of course, do not forget about the daily feats.
How to prove to the girl that you love her? Do knightly feat!
If the beloved does not believe your feelings, it remainsonly “heavy artillery” is a marriage proposal. This gesture will best show the seriousness of your intentions, and also completely eliminate all doubts and hesitations.
Now you know how to prove to a girl that you love her. So act!