Many young people are embarrassed to get acquainted with the girls, because they do not know what to talk about with them. What is the question to ask the girl to interest her?
Talking with a girl is worth starting with naturaland very simple questions. They can be different and almost on any topic. The main thing is that you hold on naturally and you yourself believe in what you say.

In no case should you allow abundanta series of questions, otherwise the girl will find you intrusive. Questions should be asked with an interval and only if there is a well-established dialogue. The ideal option for communication is if the answer is followed by an answer, as well as some explanation or story on the topic. To interest the girl, express your opinion, first argue, and after that give in and agree with it.
In the story, insert your phrases so that the girl understands: you do not just listen to her, but you are interested in all of what she says.
Try to listen to the story of a girl, more oftenreact to her statements, bring positive emotions into the conversation, use the phrases: "Yes, and I had it", "Very interesting", "That's cool!" and the like. And also try to pick up any thought and saying, and then develop them.
Do not let the talk go out, trysupport him with new statements that can interest the girl. Tell something new, argue about something and give different examples from your own life. If the girl does not react to the proposed topic, then try to develop a new one. Ask a cool question to a girl who will make her think. For example: "For what act you were most ashamed?" Always remember that you are able to find an approach to any representative of the fair sex.

What is the question to ask the girl about the rest:
- What are your favorite places in the city?
- Do you have faithful friends? How often do you see them?
"Do you love animals?" How often do you visit the zoo?
- Do you love nature? How often do you go out of town?
What is the question to ask a girl on the topic: "Relationships"
- Are you an amorous man?
- Do you love romance?
- How do you perceive a relationship that is built on money?
"Have you ever met at the moon?"
- Do you allow competition?
- Do you prefer to receive or give compliments?
- What compliments do you consider worthy of yourself?
- Did you have good memories of your first love?

What is the question to ask the girl to support any conversation:
- Do you collect any things or objects?
- Have you ever been to the sea?
- Do you have a pet? What did you call him?
- What is the weather you do not like the most?
- What kind of music do you like to dance to? What kind of music do you like to listen to?
- Do you often go to nightclubs?
- What dish do you cook better?
- Do you like needlework?
What is the question to ask the girl to make her laugh and cheer her up? Think about it yourself. Remember only that it is important not to overstep the line and not roll down to vulgarity.
Find out if you have common interests, then find a topic for conversation will become much easier. Always remember: ask questions not only you, let the girl arrange for you to "interrogate."