/ / How to understand that the guy is in love with you?

How to understand that the guy is in love with you?

Very often in adulthood, people suddenly learn that someone - a good and kind person - in his youth was in love with him. But it did not work out. Why?

how to understand that a guy is in love

Yes, because the elementary love has passedunnoticed. But guess about other people's feelings before, everything could have turned out differently, perhaps much more successfully. But how to understand that a guy is in love with you when you are not dating him yet? Of course, there are no exact recipes here, but several general provisions can be derived.

1.The man in love has a drastic change in his behavior. Bound and shy can suddenly become cheeky and bold, and impudent and cynical, on the contrary, turn into a shy and insecure person. Moreover, the behavior of a lover is different from the usual only in the presence of the object of his sighs. When a beloved girl is not around, he behaves in the most usual way for him.

2.The amorous guy often furtively looks at the object of his dreams, and when meeting with glances quickly looks away. Sometimes he can even blush at this moment, as if he was caught in the act. Since to understand that a guy in love at this moment is pretty easy, the girl is most often looking into the eyes of the guys.

lover's behavior

3.The guy, secretly in love with the girl, tries to meet her as often as possible, so she always finds herself on the way, it turns out, as if by accident, in those places where she is charming to his heart.

From time immemorial it was believed that the first step towardsRelationships should be made by man, boy, boy. However, practice proves otherwise. Representatives of the stronger sex are most often lost when the first feeling comes to them. That's why the girl should help the lover slightly to overcome this psychological barrier.

No one says that the girl must come herselfand get acquainted, make an appointment or offer friendship. But it is quite possible to create such a situation, when it is appropriate for a guy to take the first step towards rapprochement. And this very first step will allow the girl to make correct conclusions about the true feelings of the young man.

how to understand what a guy wants
So, how to understand that the guy is in love?The girl sometimes develops a wrong opinion about the feelings experienced by the young men. It seems to him that he avoids it, even sometimes rudely raucous, demonstrates his superiority. But, at the same time, she sees that with others he is completely different. So, we need to conduct an experiment.

You can apply to him with any request:repair the computer, conduct through the courtyard in the evening, explain the difficult educational material. The main thing here is that during the conversation there should not be witnesses.

Far from the fact that the young man immediately after the request"Will melt" and rush to fulfill the request, although it does. But sometimes even alone the guy will refuse the one that he really likes. Maybe even laugh or be rude. But we must remember that this is an experiment, and for the girl, it's not the help itself that matters, but the other is the understanding of the situation. A truly attentive personality will unravel the soul of a man who is in love with her.

how to understand that a guy is in love
So, how to understand that a guy is in love, askingits about help? It should be closely monitored by his reaction at the time of the utterance of the words of the request. A young man in love will be worth a lot of hard work keeping himself free and at ease at this time. Reddened ears and cheeks, ignorance of where to put your hands, trampling on the spot - that's far from a complete list of signs of excitement and, as a conclusion, his love.

There is another way how to understand that the guyin love. True, for this it is necessary to play a small play. It is necessary to create an artificial situation artificially: turn your leg, "lose" the keys to the apartment or imagine something else, but such that to refuse to help the young man would be impossible, and there would be too little time to think. Usually a lover at this moment acts as his heart tells him, instantly rushing to the rescue.

how to understand what a guy wants
Perhaps then he will turn his impulse into somethingordinary, trivial, it may be ironic to talk about this case. But the fact that the young man immediately rushed to help, save, says a lot.

It is very important to know if a young man is in love orhis plans include elementary flirting. Knowing how to understand what a guy wants, the girl will be able to draw the right conclusions, make the right decision, not to break her fate.