Erotic games are a great diversify your intimate life. The simplest games in bed will relieve tension during intimacy, help to get excited and make lovemaking more interesting. Such innovations have a positive impact on the relationship of lovers, making the proximity more vivid. Love games in bed will help you to learn how to have fun in a new way, tell you how to undress, stroke, kiss and feel your partner so that it leads to a natural discharge and augmentation of his sensations.
What games in bed can you play?There are lots of options. The simplest and most common is a strip card game. Its rules are simple: the one who loses, removes one piece of clothing from himself. Such a gradual undressing is very exciting. If the exposure is irrelevant, then it can be replaced. For example, to fulfill desires (of course, of a sexual nature) or to perform certain tasks.
Another attractive game for lovers -"Little chest". This entertainment requires preparation. In advance, it is necessary that each of the partners write their questions on intimate topics, desires, or describe sexual fantasies that they would like to realize on sheets of paper. Next, the paper is folded and placed in the "little chest". During the game, each participant (i.e., partner-lovers) alternately take convolutions, read and after - perform tasks written on paper. During the fulfillment of desires and answers to questions, sexual arousal will increase. And the reward will be an unforgettable intimacy, which after such a game in bed will definitely be bright and rich.
Very erotic if foreplay for playing in bedstarts in the bathroom. Water is a universal way to energize your partner. The usual reception of the soul together promises the emergence of a mass of exciting emotions. And how nice it is when the body is covered with soft and airy suds!
After sharing a shower do not rush to goto bodily enjoyment, and continue the game. What? For example, tie your partner's hands to the headboard and caress him. Oral caress so pleasant. By the way, you can buy sexy lingerie and handcuffs at the intimate product shop for the game “tying”.
Every person has their own erotic fantasies.Men represent themselves as hero-lovers, brave and desperate cowboys, lustful superiors or patients who need to be supervised by a sexy nurse or a caring doctor in a white dressing gown on a naked body. Women's fantasies are different from men's. Representatives of the weaker sex fantasize as if they are concubines or inflexible ladies who want a man to entertain them. Why not realize these fantasies?
Many couples after sharingliving sexual desire is fading away. Life and everyday chores dull the feelings, destroy sexual desire. Sometimes it seems that there are no feelings anymore. But do not rush to hasty conclusions. The most unsophisticated role-playing games in bed will help the spouses, whose passion has faded with age, to return the old feelings. Yes, and to know the feelings unknown until now is also possible with the help of an erotic role-playing game.
Как реализовать идею эту? Очень просто.First, think over the images and prepare the costumes. By the way, a lot of clothes for role-playing scenes may well be bought in an intimate shop. It is better if the partners are together during the preparation for the role-playing game. After all, we all have different tastes, desires, and fantasies. One idea will delight, the other can be unpleasant and, moreover, humiliating. And in intimate relationships, such feelings are not allowed.
And most importantly - no constraint and embarrassment. Drop those feelings. Plunge headlong into the world of desires and enjoyment with the help of a role-playing game in bed.