/ / How to affectionately call a beloved guy or husband?

How to affectionately call a beloved guy or husband?

Many have heard that women love ears and themlike compliments, but have not you thought that gentle words are nice to hear and the representatives of the stronger sex? But how to affectionately call a beloved guy and yet not be in an awkward position, you can read below.

how to affectionately call a beloved

It is understood that after your relationship is alreadyceased to be friendship, you just need to talk to each other with some kind of gentle words. If you have a good imagination, it will not be difficult for you. But if the situation is completely opposite, then we can take advantage of our advice.

Pleasant words for a man, or How can I call my lover

Of course, there are no borders for fantasy in this matter. Here are just a few examples of how you can address your loved one:

  • Best. And in combination with the word "most" this phrase becomes just the limit of the dreams of any representative of the strong half of humanity.
  • Native. It will be nice to hear any guy who really is dear to you.
  • Divine. Speaking in the morning is your MCH, you will not only increase his self-esteem to the skies, but also make him believe that he fell from Olympus.
  • Unmatched. Anyone is pleased when they tell him that he does not have any. So if you have a question about how to name your favorite guy, then just tell him "unmatched" and he will definitely be pleased.
    how can you call your beloved
  • Cute. Perhaps this is a trivial and banal word, but still quite pleasant.
  • Sweet. In any case, your beloved person is more delicious for you than honey and any sweets, therefore, calling it so, you will constantly remind him of this.
  • Sexual. Even if your boyfriend is 100% sure of his sex appeal, do not be lazy to remind him about her again. For him it will be a pleasure that can be useful for you.

Since it is possible to affectionately call a beloved guyin very many ways that only you can think of, then as an option you can also consider the diminutive forms of names of representatives of the animal world. For example, it can be:

  • Bunny.
  • Bear cub.
  • Elephant.
  • Kitten.
  • Vorobushek.
  • A dragon.
  • Fish.

how to call a beloved

Also on the question of how to affectionately callyou can easily answer, knowing his preferences and hobbies. If your other half is engaged in mental work, then for him, such words as Einstein, clever, genius, and for the athlete will be pleasant strong man, kachok, defender.

General rules

Pay attention to his muscles.The body for a man means no less than for a girl, and they love their biceps just like the fair sex, for example, their breasts. Also, everyone has long known that the smile has a mirror effect. Tell your guy that he has the most radiant and you are pleased to see her.

Since childhood, people are getting used to what parents are callingthem not just by name, but by some pleasant words. Therefore, the question of how to affectionately call a beloved guy, should not become for you something out of the ordinary. Absolutely pleased everyone, when they are called not just by name, but somehow in a special way, but this is special for everyone. And most importantly, do not forget to remind your loved ones how they are dear to you.