The Nikon Chronicle is the largest historicala monument of the 16th century. It is interesting in that it contains the most complete list of events in Russian history, which are not available in other manuscript sources.
In addition, the book contains information on neighboringpeoples, which determined the interest of scientists in this code. He had a great influence on the history of our country, because it is the most complete among other similar works.
Introduction to scientific circulation
The Nikon chronicle became known to a widepublic due to the well-known researcher VN Tatishchev, who used it to write his main work on the history of Russia. He gave a brief description of this most important monument, noting that it was brought to 1630 and signed by the Patriarch Nikon.
In the second half of the 18th century the source waspublished by Schlözer and Bashilov, who used the manuscript of his predecessor as the basis. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries a new publication was implemented, with new lists being drawn. In pre-revolutionary historiography Nikon's Chronicle was studied very actively.
The main attention was paid to the sources,which served as the basis for its writing. Interest in it was not lost even in the Soviet era. During this period, the researchers also determined the time and place of its compilation, established the identity of the author, and also conducted an in-depth analysis of the socio-political situation of the era in which it arose.
About the author and his views
The Nikon chronicle was compiled according tothe initiative of Metropolitan Daniel, who held this post in 1522-1539. He was fond of ancient literature, had access to ancient manuscripts and showed interest in all-Russian affairs. In addition, he was interested in political history, supported the actions of the Moscow rulers. Therefore, the monument under his leadership is imbued with an all-Russian character, which determined its significance in social and political thought.
In the center of the compiler were manyurgent and important problems of his time. Among them, a prominent place was occupied by the question of the property position of the metropolia and the attitude of the spiritual and secular authorities. In addition, Daniel was interested in the cooperation of Russia and Lithuania, as well as the history of his homeland - the Ryazan principality. He also gave a great place to the struggle against heresy.
Sources of information
Nikon's Chronicle, the origin of the namewhich was associated with the name of the patriarch of the 17th century, was in fact composed in the previous century. Tatishchev mistakenly assumed that this monument was drawn up under Nikon, to which belonged one of the lists.
The basis for writing the chronicles was the story,ancient tales, lives of saints, folklore, as well as archival materials. While writing the text, the compilers attracted other chronicles, for example, Iosafovskaya, Novgorod and many others. It should not be forgotten that a number of the information of the monument in question is unique and has reached our time only in its composition.
The Church Question
The most important issues of his time reflectedNikon's Chronicle. The origin of the name of this monument is associated with an error, at one time admitted by Tatishchev. However, it has become so firmly established in the scientific community that it has survived to this day. The authors of the manuscript made an important treatment of the material, the analysis of which makes it possible to understand what problems they were worried about.
The authors defended the property of the church.The controversy over whether monasteries should own land and other property was one of the most acute in medieval Rus. Therefore, it is not surprising that the chronicle carries the idea of the need to preserve the metropolitan state of its property status. Nikon's Chronicle, whose origin should be considered in the context of the era, holds the idea of the need for a union of secular and spiritual power.
Themes of the cathedral of 1531
This meeting raised very important questions about theposition and status of the ecclesiastical and monastic hierarchy, which is reflected in the monument in question. One of the most contentious issues of the era is the problem of whether monasteries can own villages or not. The monument claims that they have the right to own land plots. This was the point of view prevailing at that time, which was also adhered to by the Grand Dukes.
Another important issue for the timeChurch life - these are the decrees of Russian metropolitans without the sanction of Constantinople. In the 15th century the Russian church gained independence. And so it was necessary to fix her new status. In addition, at this time there were heresies, the struggle with which was very fierce. Therefore this theme was also reflected in the monument.
Nikon's annals, the names of which occurredfrom its lists, was subsequently supplemented by other materials of an official nature. The processing of the original was important. It contributed both to the systematization of archival documents accumulated, and to the development of social and political thought. The code of Metropolitan Daniel was supplemented by the Resurrection Chronicle and the Chronicler of the beginning of the kingdom.
Thus appeared the famous Patriarchlist. This new arch was widely used primarily in church circles, where in the second half of the 16th century a famous Steppen Book arose, a work that tells about the reign of Old Russian princes, the life of metropolitans. This monument is also interesting because it is the first attempt to systematize Russian history.
New list
The most important source of medievaltime is Nikon's Chronicle. Briefly about this vault can be noted the following: this is a valuable manuscript, which formed the basis of the subsequent all-Russian chronicle of 16-17 centuries. Its original was kept in the Order of the Order, which speaks about the importance that the official authorities attached to it when drawing up new arches.
After a while it wasmentioned materials. Also, a part was added to it, which told about the events that occurred in 1556-1558. So there was a famous list of Obolensky. This is the most complete version of the original. After a while, sheets were attached to it, which expanded the chronology of the narrative.
Impact on official historiography
The basis of the new princely arch of the second halfThe sixteenth century was again covered by the Nikon Chronicle. Oprichnina was the time of the formation of a new ideology. Ivan the Terrible sought to explain the autocratic nature of royal power. Therefore, he began an active work to create literary works that justify this idea.
In 1568-1576 in the Alexander Slobodabegan the compilation of a large new arch, which was called Litsev. It reflects the events of both world and domestic history. It was decorated with miniatures, as the narrative was "in the faces". Nikon's annals, the content of which corresponded to the intention of the king and the compilers of the new monument, was used in his writing. After that, the manuscript was transferred to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, where it was kept until 1637.
Further processing
In the specified year the arch was sent to the orderThe Great Palace. Therefore, a copy was made from the manuscript especially for the monastery. It formed the basis of another list, which was supplemented by materials. Subsequently, he continued the narration on the basis of the official monument of the Russian socio-political soap of the 17th century - the Chronicler of the New. This new edition has saved several lists. One of them belonged to the patriarch Nikon, whose name gave the name to the whole monument.
The most important events in Russian history were reflected in the Nikon chronicle. The brief content of this monument can be characterized as follows: this manuscript sets out the events from the 9th to the 16th centuries.
At first a monument of a church character is placed:list of bishops. Next comes the chronological weather statement of the incidents. The sections describing the 12th century are consecrated in more detail than those devoted to other centuries. To the original added additional texts that tell of the history of the 16th century, in particular, about the reign of Ivan the Terrible.
Nikon's Chronicle, the composition of which differscomplexity due to several editorial processing, has additional inserts. They also deserve attention. Separately, mention should be made of the fragments of the Regal Book, from which a description of the events for the years 1533-1553 was taken. This monument is an important part of the Facility that carries out the idea of autocratic power of the ruler.
The above fragment is particularly interesting in thatIvan the Terrible himself worked on its content. The ruler was especially interested in justifying the monarch's ideologically unlimited power. Also, it should be mentioned separately about such a monument as a story about the life of his son and heir.
This manuscript describes the reign of FedorIvanovich. The author notes that he was very pious and spent most of his time in prayers and fasting. From this monument looms the image of a new ruler - a man of the quiet and meek. Also in the source is the news of her one important event from the church life - the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia. The head of the Russian church was Job, who wrote the story. In it, he also gave a laudatory description to Boris Godunov. He also described the tsar's campaign against Ivan the city.
The Nikon Chronicle is supplemented by a number ofinteresting literary works. Some of them are devoted to religious themes, the other - to the battles and battles of national and world history. One of them is about the capture of Constantinople in 1204. This event, which shocked the consciousness of contemporaries.
Another story tells of the struggle of the Russiansprinces for the main, Vladimir throne. Several works are devoted to the struggle against the Mongol-Tatars, Swedes. Some narrate about the fate of princes, boyars, metropolitans. Also in the vault were included the lives of saints, stories from the life of rulers and famous people of medieval times.
In addition to these monuments, there aremore detailed descriptions of some political events. Separately, we should mention the story of the wedding of Ivan the Terrible to the kingdom. This is a very important fragment, as it tells about one of the most significant events in Russian history - the acceptance of the king's title by the ruler.
Taking into account the fact that the chronicle wasIn the center of attention of Ivan Vasilyevich, who used her text to substantiate the idea of an autocratic monarchy, it should be noted that the insertion of such a story had an important ideological significance. It is also necessary to mention the story of the capture of Kazan - one of the key events in the history of his rule.
At the same time Nikon's annals do not contain a numberimportant texts that can be found in other monuments. For example, in the manuscript in question there is no "Russian Truth" - an important legislative document. Nevertheless, this code is the most important source of all-Russian character. He had a great influence on public-political thought of the 16th-17th centuries.