Back in the sixties of the twentieth century by the Agencyadvanced research projects (ARPA) at the United States Department of Defense created the very first network, which was the prototype of the now known global Internet. The created network, called ARPAnet, was experimental, and it was created to support research in the military sphere. The main principle of ARPAnet was considered the possibility for any computer to connect with any other computer connected to the Network at any time. Thus began the story of the creation of the Internet.
Already in December 1969, the network was mergedalready four nodes that used Network Control Protocol (NCP) to transfer data packets. Ten years later, work began on the creation of the current and now TCP / IP protocol, when the experimental ARPAnet network in 1975 was declared working.
So, the story of the creation of the Internet began withThe ARPAnet network, the development goal of which was initially the possibility for all participants of military developments not only to communicate over computer networks, but also to share the resources of all the few powerful computers available at that time, located in different cities of the country.
These advanced studies have attractedattention of many research groups and individual researchers with whom DARPA held numerous coordinating meetings. The history of the creation of the Internet also indicates that a special Group on Internet Configuration and Management was created to coordinate and control the development of Internet protocols, which existed until its reorganization into the Internet Activity Group in 1983. The need to create this group stems from the fact that many researchers have already participated in the TCP / IP project.
The TCP / IP protocols in 1983 were already takenas military standards in the United States. After this important step, which influenced the activity with which the history of the Internet in the world began to develop, all computers in ARPAnet, called hosts, began to be required to work only with these protocols. It was at this time that the term Internet began to be used, denoting both the separated MILNET network, which was the unclassified part of the DDN (Defense Data Network), and the new ARPAnet, which was greatly reduced in size. Thus, the history of the emergence of the Internet is closely connected with the ARPAnet, which has become the prototype of the modern Internet.
В 1985 году история Интернета в мире получила new push: based on ARPAnret, a new network was created called the National Science Foundation NETwork (NSFNET), or the National Science Foundation Network, which connected six major research centers located in different parts of America and equipped with powerful supercomputers. The new network, called Internet TCP / IP or Internet, was created to organize access to computing resources for supercomputers united in the Network for researchers from different American universities so that every engineer and scientist in the country could have a connection to a single network, and in 1985 the number of organizations connected to the network has increased dramatically.
Many institutions, including educational andcommercial, have discovered a huge opportunity for the exchange of data, which is fraught with new technology. A large number of computers connected to the Network caused an overload of networks and control computers, so soon faster telephone lines were used to organize the network.
Completely revolutionary restructuringThe Internet occurred in May 1993, when instead of the core network began to operate the so-called "access points" or NAP, in which small private backbone commercial networks could also interact. Thus, the NSFNET network, which was the backbone, was closed, giving way to the NAP architecture, which, in effect, turned into the Internet.
However, the true flourishing of the Internet coincided withthe advent of the Web - the World Wide Web or WWW, based on a new technology that uses hypertext documents, which allows users to have access to any information posted on the Web. Now WWW technology is the main service of the Internet, unlike the former service of access to remote Telnet supercomputers.
The current history of the creation of the Internetfar from over. The improvement of the global network is continuous and inevitable. The number of users and their needs is growing, which leads to the growth of the Network, new problems, the search for their solutions and further improvement of technologies. Now, as evidenced by the history of the emergence of the Internet, the network is used not only by professionals, but also by many students, schoolchildren and other people all over the world who want to keep up with the times.