History is one of the most intricate items inthe whole world. Already, probably, no one can say with accuracy what was the oldest civilization in the world. Some claim that they were Aryans, others called the aborigines of the Australian continent, and still others speak of the Sumerians. Each theory has its own right to exist.

We can not lose sight of the works and antiquehistorians. The legendary Troy was discovered by Schliemann precisely through the writings of Homer. Does this mean that we should pay more attention to the works of ancient scientists about Atlantis? Perhaps the Atlanteans is the most ancient civilization in the world. The ancient Greeks attributed them incredible abilities. Maybe these legends did not appear from scratch.
New finds in the Asian part of Eurasiaprovide evidence that the ancient civilization of China was more developed than we imagine. Terracotta warriors, the Great Wall of China and many other mysteries continue to haunt the minds of scientists - archaeologists.
Each civilization has a different path of development.The history of the Australian aborigines has more than 40 thousand years. They have their own unique visual perception and some other differences in the physiological plan from the Europeans. Aboriginal culture is not primitive, it is just different and misunderstood by modern man.

Finds of scientists on the South American continentindicate that the most ancient civilization could well exist in the territory of modern Brazil or Argentina. Mexican pyramids, according to some scientists, were not built by Indians. A detailed analysis of the buildings showed that the Aztecs carried out only the "completion" of some elements of their cities. The age of the South American pyramids is difficult to establish, but it is believed that they are at least as old as the Egyptian ones.