/ / Forms of classroom hours at school

Forms of holding class hours in school

The class hour is an important formcarrying out educational work in the classroom. This form is distinguished by its flexibility. With her help, you can actively influence children, try to develop their positive qualities.

Objectives of the class hour

Features of the choice of the form of the classroomhours are determined by the goals that every teacher must set before himself when communicating with children. First of all, a class hour is necessary for the formation of such a team in which each student will feel comfortable. It is very important to create an environment in which students will have every opportunity to show their individuality, to realize any creative abilities.

forms of classroom hours
In addition, a cool hour is needed to createvalue system of the child, the formation of the emotional-sensitive sphere of his life. This is a great opportunity to learn practical knowledge, learn more about nature and society.

Features of classroom hours in primary school

When choosing the form of holding classroom hours inelementary school should take into account the psychological characteristics of children, that they are still poorly able to concentrate. Therefore, it is important to frequently change activities, switch their interest. Also, during the educational work it is necessary to actively use visibility, to intrigue children, to introduce an element of surprise. Parents can be involved in preparing class activities.

The main forms of classroom hours in primary school

The easiest way to organize communication with the class in the formquizzes. This will contribute to the development of children's cognitive abilities. During the quiz, you can use puzzles, small tasks, interesting questions, crosswords, reproductions of paintings. All this will expand the horizons of children. The most active participants in the event must be rewarded with at least small prizes (they can be homemade).

forms of class hours in primary school
Also forms of classroom hours at schoolinclude conversation. It does not have to be communication between teacher and children. You can involve high school students in the communication process. Adult students can tell the kids about the correct mode of the day, the peculiarities of behavior at school. A good idea is to invite as guests veterans, firefighters, just decent citizens, who will be an example to follow.

new forms of classroom
In anticipation of any interesting dates you canorganize the whole holidays. At the same time, all students of the class should be involved in the work. Everyone can do something to make a good event in the end. The teacher should not take on all the preparatory work. His task is to be a mentor and organizer. He needs to help the children show their talents. As a result, students will remember this holiday for a long time.

Cool hours in the 5th class

Grade 5 - this is more mature and consciousguys, while they still do not lose their curiosity. High-quality class hours during this period contribute to the formation of the team, helping to facilitate the adaptation of students who come out of their comfort zone and begin to work with different teachers.

forms of classroom hours in high school
Modern forms of classroom hours in 5class have a creative character. It can be theatrical performances, festivals, holidays. In addition, game forms of work are possible. Children at this age are very susceptible to the game. They are willing to show enthusiasm. Schoolchildren strive to be the best in everything, and this opportunity can be realized through games. Entertainment may have a different character. For example, in grade 5, you can arrange a brain-ring or "Field of Miracles."

Discussion forms of class hours

В старшей школе возможно использование любой forms of class hours, including discussion. For example, it may be a dispute. This form of educational activity provides for an open bright debate on some serious topic that can be looked at from different angles. The use of dispute is necessary for the development of children's dialectic thinking. Also in high school, you can resort to a discussion in which each of the students will defend their opinions. This can be done by making convincing arguments.

forms of classroom hours at school
More serious preparation is needed by suchforms of holding class hours in high school, as a conference. In essence, this is a meeting to discuss a matter. All conference participants must be prepared, so you need to distribute the task to the students in advance and monitor their implementation by the class hour. The same applies to the round table. It also belongs to the discussion forms, only the participants can speak only in a certain order.

Informational hour - you can organize an exchangenews. The teacher gives the task in advance to all students prepare an interesting news on a specific topic: scientific achievements, space, environmental protection, health, art, etc.

Living room is an opportunity to meet withinteresting people. Meet the local elite or just representatives of various professions. This is important for the development of children's outlook, high-quality vocational guidance.

Competitive forms of holding class hours

This category includes any eventscontemplating competition. These can be contests, quizzes, reviews, presentations. Another favorite form for students - KVN! Such an event allows you to defuse the atmosphere in the classroom, to give children the opportunity to joke, to show their humorous talents.

Creative class hours

This is not a new form of classroom hours, but not losing its relevance. Children love them because they can fully realize their talents.

The festival is a mass event, withinwhich you can demonstrate your achievements in the field of amateur performance. This form of interaction will help each child show their individuality, awaken their creative abilities, and introduce schoolchildren to art. By the way, festivals can be not only musical, but also theatrical.

Exhibitions allow you to show resultsactivities that usually remain out of sight of teachers. It can be embroidered or related products, various crafts, objects collected as a result of tourist and local history trips.

Concerts are the performance before the public of musical works, the recitation of poems and much more. They can be thematic or reporting.

A variety of cool hours

The article lists only the main forms.conducting classroom hours. In fact, they are much more. Moreover, each teacher has the ability to combine elements of different forms or create new ones. It is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children, their creative potential, the cohesion of the team. It is very important not to turn the classroom into a boring event, after which children will not have any positive emotions. Students should not feel pressure from the teacher. To do this, the class hours should be bright and interesting.

forms of classroom hours in grade 5
Schoolchildren can forget lessons over time, butExcellent time spent with the class teacher and classmates should be remembered forever. A good mentor must be able to diversify the lives of his players with the help of unusual events. It is only necessary to spare no effort and have enough love for schoolchildren. Properly organized classroom will allow children to reveal their talents, and the teacher will be given the opportunity to realize themselves.