/ / Women-cosmonauts of the USSR and Russia. Women who have been in space

Women-cosmonauts of the USSR and Russia. Women who have been in space

Now you can’t surprise anyone by flying into space.Of course, they are not yet perceived as an everyday occurrence, but nevertheless there is already no such agiotage that accompanied the first steps of mankind at the base of the unknown, infinite starry sky. More than half a century has passed since the first ever flight into space. During this time, more than five hundred people managed to see through the glass window, how vast the expanses of the universe are. On board the spacecraft flew not only men. Among them were women cosmonauts of the USSR and Russia.

Women cosmonauts of the USSR and Russia

First in the world

The championship in this area belongs to one ofThe most famous personalities in the world are Valentina Tereshkova. She was born in 1937 in a small village located near Yaroslavl. When she was 22 years old, she seriously got carried away with skydiving.

In the years 1962-1997 she was a member of the femalecosmonaut corps. In addition to her, there were 4 other candidates for the flight. I must say that Tereshkova was not the best in terms of endurance and physical fitness. But the then government decided to send her first into space.

There were two reasons that influencedsuch a decision. The first one is the origin. Valentina Tereshkova was, as they said at that time, a native "of the people." The second reason is attractive appearance, charm and charisma.

Despite the fact that the flight was officially recognizedsuccessful, not without complications. Tereshkova felt bad, and the spacesuit was very uncomfortable. Because of this, she was unable to complete all the planned tasks in full. In addition, a number of other technical difficulties emerged. For example, when assembling manual control, mistakes were made that almost led to the deviation of the ship from orbit. But since the automation was on top, the landing went well.

In 1963, Tereshkova received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In addition, she is still the only woman in the army of the Russian Federation who carries the military rank of major general.

I must say that all women are from Russia,those who have been in space have made an invaluable contribution to the development and study of our Universe. But only Valentina Tereshkova and to this day is the first and only representative of the fair sex who made a single flight into the Earth's orbit.

First in outer space

The next woman to see space wasSvetlana Savitskaya. She was born in 1947 in the family of the marshal and became an astronaut due to her firm sense of purpose, strength of will and high professionalism.

List of women astronauts

Savitskaya’s career began with the Vzlyot NGO, where sheworked as a test pilot. In 1982 she got into the crew of the Soyuz T-7 spacecraft, where she spent 8 days. And after 2 years she went out into space, where she stayed for 3 hours and 35 minutes.

The longest flight

The next representative to join the list"Women-cosmonauts of the USSR and Russia," became Elena Kondakova. She was born in 1957 in the Moscow region, in the town of Mytishchi. In 1989 she became a candidate for the cosmonaut corps and after special training she obtained the qualification of a researcher.

Like her two predecessors, Elena Kondakovaalso became the first - for the duration of their stay in space. Its total duration was almost 179 days. She has two flights on her account: one in 1994 at the Mir station, the second in 1997 on the ship Atlantis (shuttle).

Women from Russia who have been in space

Female cosmonauts of the USSR and Russia are notonly by researchers of outer space, but also take an active part in the political life of the country. In 1999, Elena Kondakova was elected a deputy to the State Duma.

New "star woman"

After 17 years, September 26, 2014 withBaikonur launched another spacecraft, the crew of which includes Elena Serova. This is her first flight. According to the plan, it should last 170 days and nights.

Was born the fourth woman cosmonaut inseaside village Vozdvizhenka. After graduating from the Moscow Aviation Institute, she was hired at the Mission Control Center. She constantly improved her qualifications and in 2009 became a test cosmonaut.

Women cosmonauts of the USSR and Russia

Female cosmonauts of the USSR and Russia are always on top. Their profession requires great courage, strong willpower, as well as the ability not to get lost and to cope with any abnormal situation.

And let the list of female cosmonauts from our compatriots is small so far, they have everything ahead. After all, there are still a lot of mysterious and unexplored, which is fraught with a truly boundless Universe.