Planet Earth is inhabited by many nations, andeach has its own characteristics and unique traditions. Often, researchers and ethnographers say such phrases as “warm welcome”, “hospitable lounges”, “hospitable people”. All these words, in principle, mean one thing - cordiality.
Cordiality - the meaning of the word
If you had to meet guests, relatives andclose people in your own house or invite them somewhere to celebrate, say, an anniversary or a memorable date, did you meet them joyfully, with a desire to surprise and thank for the decision to come? Hospitality - this is the heartfelt gratitude and joy of meeting!
To properly describe your feelings and sensations,worth knowing the full meaning of the word. In Russian, "cordialness" means one thing: affectionate, friendly, sincere reception of guests in the house or help to loved ones (and sometimes strangers) in a difficult situation.
Reception of guests in the modern world
In the 21st century, cordiality is rather a general concept,than a real thing. Few can boast a willingness to accept anyone in their home: "feed, drink and sleep put." Most often, society tries to isolate itself from the problems and needs of others.
In the orders of Ancient Russia there was an unspoken rule: to accept any traveler in his house, to use him as a member of the family, and for this good spirits protected and helped to increase the wealth of the family.
Morals have changed over time.The population of large cities often depend on the economic issue: the cost of food, utilities and etc. Now the hospitality can boast except that the inhabitants of agricultural areas, where the most frequently used products of their own making...
Even you may be meeting two different peopleused two types of hospitality: one - the present, coming from the heart; the other is forced, suffered. The second type is hospitality (meaning pretense, forced hospitality).
But there are exceptions. Many nations have tacit rules for welcoming guests and welcoming them.
Hospitality of different nations
If upon arrival in China you will be clapped at a meeting, it means that you are a welcome, respected guest in this house. But in the Netherlands do not count on an invitation to visit more than once every six months.
In Australia and Norway inviting homeconsidered uncultured. All meetings, celebrations of anniversaries and memorable dates are held in restaurants, clubs or bars. There, guests can not only have fun playing cards or billiards, bowling, but also pay for their order themselves.
In African tribes, hospitality is the answer.guest to choose for themselves a convenient place, and the owners respect his choice, sitting next to a semicircle. Americans are very punctual. After receiving the first invitation, be sure to dress strictly but simply. Jeans, shorts will not do.
For the Greeks, the same kindness is to give the guest somethingthat he praises so eagerly. And the owner will be forced to do it, even if you like a work of art worth the fabulous money. Therefore it is worth thinking before you admire the vases, paintings or cars.
Well, hospitality for different nations takes on different meanings, and this is not necessarily bread and salt and the red carpet.