/ / The beginning of the Second World War: the main reasons

The beginning of World War II: the main reasons

The most ambitious, bloody and terribleThe war in the history of mankind, called the Second World War, did not begin on September 1, 1939, on the day when Hitlerite Germany attacked Poland. The beginning of the Second World War was inevitable since the end of the war in 1918, which led to the redistribution of almost all of Europe. Immediately after the signing of all the treaties, each of the overlapped countries, from which a part of the territories had been taken away, began its own small war. While it was conducted in the minds and conversations of those who did not return from the front winners. They again and again experienced the events of those days, looked for the causes of defeat and passed on the bitterness of their own loss to their growing children.

It is this cherished for decades hatred ofenemies, resentment of harassment of new owners of cities and villages, the need to get used to another, unusual life and made possible the beginning of the Second World War. But all these reasons to resume the war were in the field of psychology. There were also real historical prerequisites that led to the outbreak of hostilities, in which virtually the entire globe was involved.

The official reasons for the start of the Second World War

According to historical studies, scientists identify the following reasons:

  • territorial disputesresulting from the redistribution of Europe by England,France and the allied states. After the collapse of the Russian Empire as a result of its withdrawal from military operations and the revolution that took place in it, as well as the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, 9 new states appeared on the world map at once. Their boundaries were not yet clearly defined, and in many cases disputes were fought literally for every inch of land. In addition, the countries that had lost part of the territories that belonged to them, sought to reclaim them, but the winners, who had attached themselves to the new lands, were hardly ready to part with them. The centuries-old history of Europe did not know the best way to resolve any, including territorial disputes, other than hostilities, and the beginning of World War II it became inevitable;
  • toolonial disputes. It is worth mentioning here not only thatthe losing countries, having lost their colonies, which provided the treasury with a constant influx of funds, undoubtedly dreamed of their return, but also that the liberation movement was growing inside the colonies. Tired of being under the yoke of certain colonialists, the inhabitants sought to get rid of any submission, and in many cases this also inevitably led to the emergence of armed clashes;
  • rivalry leading powers. It is difficult to allow that deleted from the worldHistory Germany after its defeat did not dream of taking revenge. Deprived of the opportunity to have its own army (except for volunteers, whose number could not exceed 100 thousand soldiers with light weapons), Germany, accustomed to the role of one of the leading world empires, could not accept the loss of its rule. The beginning of the Second World War in this aspect was only a matter of time;
  • dictatorial regimes. The sharp increase in their number in the second third of XXcentury created additional prerequisites for the outbreak of violent conflicts. Paying great attention to the development of the army and armaments, first as a means of suppressing possible internal unrest, and then as a way to conquer new lands, the European and Eastern dictators with all their forces approximated the beginning of the Second World War;
  • the existence of the USSR. The role of the new socialist state,emerged on the ruins of the Russian Empire, as a stimulus for the United States and Europe, it is difficult to overestimate. The rapid development of communist movements in a number of capitalist powers against the background of the existence of such a clear example of victorious socialism could not help but arouse fear, and an attempt to wipe the USSR off the face of the earth would have been made inevitable.