Many people often wonder:What is the difference between tactics and strategy? The difference here is only in the scale of operations. There are no other fundamental differences. This difference is most clearly manifested in the time intervals that the concepts operate on.
Separately, but together

In the case when a person makes a plan of hisof the day is his action tactic for the week. If a plan is made for the next couple of hours, this will be a tactic for the day. The organization of the day is already becoming a strategy regarding the organization of hours. So, between the terms "tactics" and "strategy" the difference is more than noticeable.
It is necessary to clearly understand that these two concepts exist together, since tactics correlate with strategy, and strategy, respectively, with tactics.

We can take as an example some kind of problem onbusiness organization. This will be a strategy. In this situation, it is a strategy to make a profit based on the provision of any services. Everything that is included in the business itself: finding and establishing relationships with customers, developing sales plans, creating training programs for employees - all this will already be a tactic, but only in relation to the strategy described above.
It can be assumed that the person made the decisionas if the best method for selling services is advertising on the Internet, used on its own website, through which it is necessary to get customers. Is this a tactic? Of course, it is, only in relation to the idea of a person’s business. But at the same time, this whole idea will be a strategy for promoting services and advertising. Such is the difference between "tactics" and "strategy".
At the same time it is possible to promote the site in different ways.You can make a full optimization for search engines, you can buy ads on third-party, already known sites. Note that this will all be a tactic to promote a website for selling services.
This whole concept can be compared with the principlematryoshka The one in which others are nested is a strategy, and the smaller nested dolls are tactics. Each tactic will be a strategy relative to the internal.
Basic strategy

Analyzing the above, it will be appropriate to specifya term like basic strategy. This definition can be represented as the strategy on which the construction of other strategies for the implementation of certain activities is based. If you go back to the above example of a business organization, it is worth noting that the very basic strategy here is the very idea of implementing this activity. It is this basic idea that largely determines the failure of a business or its success.
And again an example

For example, the effectiveness of ideas for advancea certain city at the current time is 30 percent (that is, everything else is done without error, and thirty of the hundreds of customers who have been treated with the provision of services come). It would seem that it is very good. But this is only under ideal conditions, when everything else does not cause any complaints: the right people were chosen to handle the offer, the scope of services provided was chosen correctly, the business program was developed correctly, it was sold correctly. That is, all this suggests that the development of a strategy that obeys the basic, basic, is one hundred percent effective.
In reality, this is very difficult to achieve.At each level of the strategic system, efficiency will be lost. If the result of sales is 10 percent, then of the above 30 clients, only three will benefit from the services.
What are all these negative thoughts for? How is it possible to evaluate the basic strategy? And is it possible?
Strategy evaluation

The evaluation question is very difficult and controversial.Traditionally, you can answer it by applying the estimates of experts and opinions of marketers. The value of numbers here is not the most important, as it is often difficult to obtain them. It is more important to understand that the degree of effectiveness of the basic strategy and its viability are predetermined by the success of the activity as a whole. Attempts to improve private strategies do not change the whole situation fundamentally, because the whole problem may lie in the incorrectly constructed basic strategy.
Допустим, бизнес на проведении обучающих seminars on personal growth rights. Do they need someone? They are interested in about 5 percent of people. This is based on the experience of many businessmen. Seminars on sales techniques are in demand higher - from 10 to 30 percent. Of course, these values are approximate and in different situations may differ dramatically from each other. In this case, the difference is in the quality of demand at the same cost of the workshop.
You can sell development seminars very wellindividual, but this will be of little use, since the price for one attracted listener is very high, and the promising profit will not pay back the invested funds.
So, it becomes clear that in a situation where there wasthe basic strategy is incorrectly built, even the correct implementation of the embedded tactics cannot correct the situation. All plans will be doomed to fail. This can be compared with launching a ship in the shower with the hope that it will ever fall into the sea. And this will never happen, as it is limited by the framework of the basic strategy. If it were launched in a stream, the chances would be much higher, and in the river - even higher. The very same ship can be as much as stunning, but it does not affect that. These are the features of tactics and strategy.
Summing up, we can say that tactics andstrategy, the difference between which is significant, depend on each other. Choosing the right strategy can determine the success or failure of the entire enterprise. The strategy itself cannot be independent. Without tactics entering into it, it will be abstract.
So, be wrong about somefundamental differences between these two concepts. They must be considered in a relationship of submission. The tactic itself can be a strategy for other tactics who obey it.
It should be noted that every person almost withBirth is both a strategist and a tactician. After all, plans built at school age, which were drawn up for becoming someone, were carefully thought out, and on their basis a strategy was built. Determining the right goal leads to success.