После Революции 1917 г.America refused to recognize the government of the Soviets. The establishment of diplomatic relations between the USSR and the USA began thanks to trade relations that were formed by the 1930s. A significant role in the normalization of interaction belonged to representatives of American business circles. They were primarily interested in establishing economic ties.

The history of the diplomatic relations of the USSR (Russia) and the USA
В 1933 г., 10 октября, президент Америки Ф.Roosevelt sent a message to M. Kalinin, who was at that time the chairman of the CEC. The message suggested restoring diplomatic relations. At that time, there were certain differences between the USSR and the USA, which both sides sought to overcome. Kalinin replied to Roosevelt on October 17th. Already in the middle of November 1933, Maxim Litvinov, who was commissar of foreign affairs, and the president of America exchanged official notes. From that moment began to form diplomatic relations between the USSR and the USA. The history of their development at the initial stages indicates a quite friendly atmosphere between countries. Alexander Troyanovsky was appointed as the first Soviet plenipotentiary. At that time he was quite a famous statesman. From America, the first ambassador was William Bullitt. Two years later, in 1935, on July 13, the Trade Agreement was signed between the countries. In 1937, on August 4, the countries signed an agreement to provide each other with a regime of maximum economic favor.

In the course of the Great Patriotic Soviet Union andAmerica cooperated quite actively as members of the anti-Hitler coalition. Almost immediately after the fascist attack, the United States decided to provide economic support to the USSR. During the hostilities, America made supplies under Lend-Lease (on loan). Official negotiations on assistance began in late September 1941. Roosevelt sent Harriman (his representative) to Moscow. On October 1, a protocol was signed on the first deliveries to the Soviet Union for 49 months. $ 1 billion. A week later, Roosevelt endorsed the document, according to which the Lend-Lease was distributed to the USSR. In October 1941, the first deliveries began. In early June 1944, the Anglo-American naval and airborne assault forces were deployed in Normandy. So formed a second front. At the end of April 1945, the offices of the 58th Guards. the rifle division of the 1st Ukrainian Front and the 69th Infantry Division of the US military met on the river. Elbe near Torgau. Establishment of diplomatic relations between the USSR and the USA was of key importance in deciding questions relating to the direct conduct of battles, as well as postwar arrangements in the world. In recent years, the Second World War held three conferences between the heads of the USSR, the USA and England (in Tehran in 1943, in Yalta in February 1945, and Potsdam in July-August 1945).

The Cold War
Несмотря на то что установление между СССР и США diplomatic relations were important for both countries; after the war, the world was actually split into spheres of influence of two blocs with different socio-political regimes. The time of the cold war began. This period lasted almost 40 years. During this time, the NATO and ATS unit (the organization of the Warsaw Pact countries) was formed. Diplomatic relations between the USSR and the United States reached an impasse. The rivalry for spheres of influence that began inevitably led to the expansion of the military-strategic complex in each state. The arms race has begun. As a result, the economy of both blocks was in a very tense state.
Caribbean crisis
Он считается наиболее драматичным периодом с the moment when the United States first established diplomatic relations with the USSR. The Caribbean crisis began in October 1962. At that time, the Soviet Union placed its ballistic missiles on Cuba. This was a response to similar steps taken earlier by America. The USA installed rockets in Italy and Turkey. In addition, Cuba was under threat of invasion by the US military. In response, the Soviet leadership brought its forces to combat readiness. The Caribbean crisis not only jeopardized the further establishment of diplomatic relations between the USSR and the USA, but also created the danger of nuclear war. However, a way out of the situation was found by joint efforts of Nikita Khrushchev and John Kennedy. The crisis has forced the leaders of countries to recognize that the confrontation of states could lead to the death of all mankind. Having reached its peak, the Cold War gradually began to decline. The leaders of the two countries began to talk about the limitations of increasing military capabilities.

Period of political détente
Diplomatic relations of the USSR and the West have becomegradually recover. By the end of the 1960s. several major treaties were signed. In particular, the Memorandum on the direct connection of the Kremlin and the White House (1963), the Agreement on the Prohibition of Nuclear Testing in Outer Space, on Earth and Under Water (1963), and the Principles of the Activities of Countries celestial bodies (including the moon), the cosmos "(1967)," On the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons "(1968). In 1970 passed a few more meetings. In the course of them, countries made bilateral commitments concerning the prevention of nuclear war, disarmament and the limitation of strategic weapons. So, in 1971, an Agreement was signed on measures to reduce the threat of war between the USSR and the USA. The following year, the states signed the Treaty on the Limitation of ABM Systems and the Interim SALT-1 Document. In 1974, an agreement was reached on measures to reduce underground nuclear testing and WWS-2. In July 1975, the Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft were docked as part of the international space exploration program. This was the first large-scale event of Soviet-American cooperation.

Jackson-Vanik amendment
Она была принята в один год с подписанием ОСВ-2 – in 1974 The amendment referred to the US Trade Act. She suggested a ban on granting the most-favored-nation regime, state loans and guarantees to countries in which citizens' rights to emigrate are seriously limited or violated. This norm, first of all, referred to the USSR. In the Soviet Union in those years there was a restriction on emigration from the country. After 1985, when they were removed and are absent to date, the amendment has lost its meaning. However, it was not officially canceled.
First sanctions
They were introduced by the United States against the USSR in connection withthe introduction of troops into the territory of Afghanistan in 1979 by the American administration developed the "Carter Doctrine" (by the name of the then acting president). It included several measures of economic and political pressure on the Soviet Union and its activity in the international arena. In particular, an embargo on the supply of grain to the USSR was established, the scientific, technical and cultural exchange decreased. In 1980, most foreign countries boycotted the Olympics in Moscow.

year 2009
April 1 at the G20 summit in London was heldThe first personal meeting between President Dmitry Medvedev and US President B. Obama. The leaders of the countries exchanged views on issues of the international and bilateral agenda, and also determined the schedule of work and priority areas of cooperation for the coming period. As a result of the meeting, the presidents made joint statements concerning the general framework of Russian-American relations and negotiations on the further reduction of strategic offensive arms.