/ / Temperate continental climate: characteristics, flora and fauna

Temperate continental climate: characteristics, flora and fauna

The imposing part of Europe lives in moderatecontinental climate. Its uniqueness in the presence of only one hemisphere - the North. What features distinguish moderate continental climate? What animals and plants are typical for him? To understand this is not difficult.

Temperate continental climate

Key Features

Temperate continental climate is located.only in the Northern Hemisphere. It is characteristic of both the Cordillera region and Central Europe. The moderate continental climate of Russia is manifested in Yakutia, the Magadan region, in Siberia and Transbaikalia. Moving inland, the air loses moisture, making the climate more severe. Therefore, the more distant the location from the sea or ocean is, the more continental the climate will become.

Temperate continental climate of Russia

Winter months

Temperate continental climate is brightpronounced seasonality. The main seasons - summer and winter - should be considered separately. During the cold season, the earth’s surface and atmosphere cool, giving rise to an Asian anticyclone. It extends to Siberia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia, and sometimes reaches southeastern Europe. As a result, a harsh winter occurs with strong air fluctuations within just a few days, when the thaw sharply turns into cold to minus thirty. Precipitation falls as snow, which persists steadily in areas east of Warsaw. The maximum height of the cover can reach ninety centimeters - such drifts are in Western Siberia. A large amount of snow protects the soil from freezing and provides it with moisture when spring comes.

Summer months

Умеренный континентальный климат России и Eastern Europe is characterized by a fairly rapid onset of summer. The increasing amount of solar heat warms the air masses entering the mainland from the ocean. The average monthly temperatures in July are slightly less than twenty degrees. Annual rainfall, most of which falls on the summer period, is in these regions from three hundred to eight hundred millimeters. The number varies only on the slopes of the Alps. There precipitation can be more than two thousand millimeters. It is worth noting the decrease in their number in the direction from west to east. In North America, the situation is inversely proportional. In the Asian regions of the temperate zone, evaporation exceeds natural rainfall and droughts can occur.

Temperate continental temperate climate

Vegetation features

Temperate continental climate is different.deciduous forests. They consist of two tiers - trees and shrubs. Grass cover differs in more species than other varieties of flora. In addition, it is also divided into several tiers. A tree of deciduous forest differs branching with a dense crown. Seasons do not contribute to year-round growing season. In winter, trees shed their leaves — simple, jagged or lobed, thin and not able to withstand either drought or frost. The temperate continental climate of the temperate zone may differ both in broad and small-leaf breeds. The first include ash, maples, oaks, lindens, elms. The second - aspen, alder and birch.

In addition, the forest can be divided into such speciesas monodominant and polydominant. The first are characteristic for Europe - a specific look prevails there. The latter are found in Asia, North America and Chile: the forest consists of many different species. In warm areas among deciduous trees there are evergreen species, as well as creepers - grape, legumes, honeysuckle or eurasian. Despite the annual leaf fall, the forests of these zones are characterized by an underdeveloped litter: the temperate continental climate contributes to its rapid decomposition. This creates excellent conditions for bacteria and earthworms. At the same time, the foliage layer becomes an obstacle for moss, which grows in such a forest only at the roots of trees and on the ground projecting from the soil. Land in this climate is podzolic, brown, calcareous or gley.

Temperate continental climate

Characteristic animals

Фауна континентального климата располагается в The forests are very uniform. This is a combination of arboreal, terrestrial, herbivorous, predatory animals. In the areas of deciduous forests there are a lot of amphibians and reptiles - there are two times more of them than in the tundra. The abundance of light, dense undergrowth, lush grasses are excellent conditions for different animals. Here there are beasts that feed on seeds and nuts — rodents, squirrels; there are numerous birds, such as blackbirds, western nightingales, small charges, great tit, blue tit. In almost every forest you can find chaffinch and greenfinchs, oriole, and in remote corners - and forest pigeon. Larger animals are ermines, badgers, wolves, foxes, lynxes and bears. They live throughout Europe and a large area of ​​Asia. In the deserted corners there are unique species - wild cats, pine martens, ferrets. The presence of herbivores - red deer, red deer is large, bison and chamois are found.