In oral speech to highlight its individualfragments used intonation and pause. In writing for this purpose are a dash, comma, semicolon. Most often in the letter we meet isolated definitions. The role of definitions is performed by participles and adjectives.
Can stand apart:
- single participles and verbal adjectives if they are in position after the word to be defined. When in the middle of a sentence, commas are placed on both sides, for example: The forest, wet and chilled, moaned deeply under the gusts of wind. If separate definitions are at the beginning or end of a sentence, they are separated by one comma: On the street a girl appeared, dancing and laughing.
- Participles and verbal adjectives with dependent words, provided that they are also after the noun being defined: The sea, agitated by the wind, dumbly roared. The number of commas depends on the position of the highlighted definition: at the beginning and end - one comma, in the middle - two commas.
- With some designs in the proposal maythere is no definable noun to which isolated definitions refer. However, the word “lost” is easily restored from the context. Commas are placed according to the rules: Look rather the black slid into the bushes.
In turn, isolation does not occur if:
- definitions in the sentence are before the word being defined: Brother hurrying to the morning train went to the station in advance;
- definitions are located in the sentence after the noun being defined, but it is in this sentence that needs no definition: This picture was written in very original and even something remarkable;
- the defined noun performs the function of the subject, and the definition is connected not only with the meaning, but also with the predicate, since included in its composition: Lake at my feet it was completely dark and dumb because of the cloudy sky.
- There are other limitations, in which isolated definitions are not.
Agreed definitions
Definitions can be both consistent andnot consistent. They are called coordinated because they take the grammatical forms of the gender, number and case of the word, usually the noun, to which they refer.
Comma separated in any positions separate the agreed definition relating to the personal pronoun: It is supported on both sides barely got to bed. Fun whistling something he fast approaching. In such cases, as a rule, definitions are common.
Consistent definitions that confront a noun to be defined can stand out if there are other words in the sentence between them: Warm and clear, through the window I stroked the sunny Ray.
Homogeneous definitions and their isolation
Like any homogeneous sentence members,homogeneous definitions denote similar signs of one subject, belong to the same definable word, and a composing union can be inserted between them. Or, different objects call their distinctive properties, qualities, attributes.
If there are separate homogeneous definitions in the proposal, it means that there are no alliances between them, for example: The city stretched before our eyes and glittered in the night clear rainbow lights.
Most often as homogeneous definitionsadjective epithets appear. Thanks to them, an artistic image is created in the text, and speech acquires an aesthetic load. As an expressive speech technique, a series of homogeneous definitions expressing a sign and located in a sentence in a certain semantic sequence of a sign's growth can form a semantic gradation: Bright, rainbow, completely happy state did not leave me all day.