/ / The value of the idiom "throw anchor", history and examples of use. Idiom in one word

The meaning of the idiom "to drop anchor", history and examples of use. Idiom in one word

There are in Russian such idioms thatat first glance do not seem incomprehensible. And this is their main cunning. Because they do not mean what is written. Everyone can easily offer as many examples of this kind. But today the meaning of the phraseologism “anchor” has fallen into our attention. We are exploring it.


Точных данных, как всегда, нет.Because idioms are one of the deepest layers of the language, but it is assumed that the expression is unlikely to take root in everyday life before the 18th century, when the institution of the regular army and navy was finally formed. When the sailor was out of service, he was free to choose his place of permanent or temporary stay. It is believed that since then people have learned the meaning of the phraseologism “to drop anchor”, Not only the direct, but also the figurative meaning of the expression.

meaning of idiom anchor


Когда люди говорят о том, что они где-то бросают anchor, it means that they stop in this place, they settle down. You can choose an apartment, house, city or work. After all, you can settle down not only in physical space. The latter is just not very important, the main thing is different: a person has stability in life. Anchor suggests bottom. This metaphorical "bottom" and stands stability, which clings to the metaphorical "anchor". Hopefully, the meaning of the phraseologism “anchor” is clear. If the meaning is unclear, then you should not despair, for the explanations will continue, then there will be a turn of examples.

anchor the meaning of a phraseological unit in one word

How to replace the expression with a verb?

In fact, when we talked about meaning, thenalready casually mentioned the possible replacement phraseological unit. Naturally, we are primarily interested in how to explain the meaning of a phraseological unit in one word (“throw anchor” in the focus of our attention if someone has forgotten). There are three main replacements, and a great many derivatives of them, the main thing here is to catch the meaning. So, verb synonyms:

  • Stay.
  • Settle down
  • Settle down

У последнего слова в научной среде есть и другой sense: to protect the candidate, that is, to get a degree. But those who have not come across the organization of science do not know such an interpretation. People often settle or stop in different places for a short or long time.

anchor the meaning of a phraseological unit in one word

What does it mean to settle down?

There are no problems with the interpretation of these words, butBut when someone is told that he needs to settle down, is it really about getting a PhD in one of the sciences? No, of course not. The point is that a person needs to learn to be discreet, reasonable, from a certain point of view, even boring, in other words - an adult. When does a person become sedate? When his life becomes stable. He settles in a certain place, acquires a house, a wife, friends, dogs, cats, habits. His being is stable and predictable. If the reader knows such lives, be sure: these people are no longer ready to anchor (the meaning of a phraseological unit in one word, we are just considering), they have already done so. We turn to the interesting illustrations of the expression.

Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha

When it comes to language and expressions, I don’t want toonly explain the meaning, but also pick a memorable example. The classic work of Hesse will allow us to understand that no anchor can be thrown forever. Because the life of even one person is a terribly changeable thing.

how to explain the meaning of a phraseological unit in one word cast anchor

Judge for yourself:Siddhartha was a wandering and mendicant ascetic, a rich man, a ferryman. And each time the main character had the persistent feeling that he remained in a certain state forever. If he knew the meaning of the phraseologism “to drop the anchor”, then surely he would have used it. Toward the end of the story, Siddhartha realizes that all his roles (ascetic and rich) have the same attitude to him as his old skin does to the snake, he realizes that all these tests needed to be passed in order to gain enlightenment only in union with nature.

How this wonderful story relates to our themeconversations "anchor - the value of a phraseological unit"? Very simple story of Siddhartha shows how unstable stability. And as it seems, the novel remarkably illustrates the meaning of a stable phrase when it comes to temporary shelter for a person. Although the philosophical message of the work is even deeper. It says that life is in principle temporary, and only the soul is eternal.

Happy Gilmore. When a cast anchor changes a person’s whole life

Истории и обычным людям известны случаи, когда man lives extremely frivolously: pursuing strange, impracticable goals, dragging women without prok. He has no family, no job, no hobby - nothing. It would be good for him to find stability, but there is no suitable basis for this.

anchor value

Так было и с героем известной комедии - Хэппи Gilmore Briefly recall the plot. Happy is a fan of hockey fanatically. He has one problem - he cannot skate at all, but he needs a blow. In any case, in his favorite sport he did not pass. And then a tragedy happened: his grandmother’s house was taken away from him. Happy is urgently needed money. Since the ways of the Lord are inscrutable, he came across golf and decided to drop anchor there, that is, to take up this sport seriously. At first, reluctantly, then with the full knowledge that golf is his vocation, and no hockey.

What does this story teach in this case?The fact that if a person throws an anchor, that is, takes root in any soil (whether it is a place of residence or work), it changes his life. True, only the right choice will help here.

Надеемся, статья была полезна и не слишком скучна.We examined the meaning of the phrase “anchor”: the meaning of a phraseological unit, history, and even picked up two unusual examples for better memorization of the material.